Baryon CF paper at 3 GeV

 Title: Measurements of Proton-Proton, Proton-Λ and Proton-Ξ- Correlation Functions in √s_NN= 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

Light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV (BES-II)

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20


Update on the low pT dimuon production

Speaker : Jian Zhou

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-07-18 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 18 July 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-07-11 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 11 July 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-07-25 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 25 July 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:00Update on the low pT dimuon production ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJian Zhou
10:20Light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV (BES-II) ( 00:20 ) 1 file
10:40Light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV (BES-II) ( 00:20 ) 1 file

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-08-01 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 1 August 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-08-08 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 8 August 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:00Cross Check about high pT Spectra in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV of 2019 data ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJia Chen
10:20Modified Blast-Wave Model Fitting of Protons and Light Nuclei in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions ( 00:20 ) 1 fileHui Liu

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-08-15 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 15 August 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
14:00Strangeness production in Run 18 Au+Au at Fixed target 7.2Gev ( 00:20 ) 1 fileAshish Jalotra (University of Jammu)
14:20Update: First Observation of $^4_{\bar{\Lambda}}\bar{H}$ in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJunlin Wu

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-08-22 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 22 August 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
09:00Update: Observation of an anti-hypernuclei $^4_{\bar{\Lambda}}\bar{H}$ at RHIC ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJunlin Wu

LFS-UPC PWG meeting

2022-07-04 10:00
America/New York
Monday, 4 July 2022
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 962 9578 Passcode: 669383, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV (BES-II)


1-D projections of pion HBT correlation functions for different azimuthal bins (20-50% central)

1-D projections of pion HBT correlation functions for different azimuthal bins (20-50% central)

Editorial Board Meeting

2022-07-29 09:30
2022-07-29 11:30
America/New York
Friday, 29 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 02:00
  1. Policy reminder   
    • Dedicated mailing list ( starting from GPC #326  
      • Please use this mailing list for all GPC discussions, which are archived automatically.
      • Only PAs and GPC members are subscribed. Conveners and PAC are not. 
    • Timeline  
      • Collaboration review - 2 weeks
      • Send responses to collaboration review to starpapers-l list - 1 week
      • Announce paper to RHIC - 1 week
      • Send responses to referee reports to starpapers-l list - a few days to 1 week
    • HepData procedure  
      • Before the paper is announced to RHIC, prepare data tables  (PA)
      • After a paper is submitted and a HEPData entry is created, upload and review data tables (PA and GPC chair)
      • During referee process, update and review data tables if needed  (PA and GPC chair)
      • After a paper is published, make the data tables public (Frank)
    • Author list and acknowledgement
      • "The STAR Collaboration" is used as the author at submission. The actual author list will be determined and inserted after the paper is accepted
      • Acknowledgement will be prepared and sent to PA by PAC when a paper is ready for collaboration reivew
    • Other remarks  
      • Remind PA to forward communications with journal to starpapers-l list, e.g. paper submitted, referee report, paper accepted, paper published. 
  2. Welcome & Organizational matters  
    • See
    • Since last meeting (03/11/2022):   
      • 8 (3) new GPCs formed: #332-339
      • 6 (5) collaboration reviews: #299, #308, #315, #320, #330, #331
      • 10 (6) submitted papers: #297, #298, #312, #322, #323, #325, #326, #327, #328, #329
      • 1 (2) accepted papers: #312
      • 6 (8) published papers: #310, #311, #317, #318, #319, #321
  3. Review & feedback on list of active GPCs  (STATUS TABLE)  
    • See
    • Currently 37 (37) active GPC
      • >12 months in GPC w/o Collaboration Review: #216, #219, #242, #292, #307
      • >6 months in GPC w/o Collaboration Review: 
      • >3 months after Collaboration Review w/o Journal Submission: #256, #275, #276, #286
      • >6 months after Journal Submission: #227, #268, #303, #324
  4. Proposal to drop GPC #216, #276
    • From Dan Cebra: "Sadly, we should probably drop papers 216 and 276. The students doing these analyses have left the collaboration and at this point there seems to be no manpower to follow-up. From my point of view, both of these papers represented analysis efforts that provided the justification for a FXT program at STAR. They were important in achieving that goal. However, as the "physics" data are now available, priority should be given to moving newer analysis efforts."

1. PWGC preview over 6 months ago but not in GPC
2. Agenda

PRC Referee report work


New automated Run-by-Run QA Code Version-2 Tutorial

Speaker : Yu Hu

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


Run-by-run QA algrithom - version 2

# Run-by-run QA script developed for STAR BES-II run-by-run QA

# authors (c) C.Y. Tsang, Y. Hu, P. Tribedy 2022-07-19

STAR analysis meeting, Tsukuba Group: update 22 July, 2022

Anderson, Derek -- QM2022 Proceedings

This post collects the various drafts of my proceedings for Quark Matter 2022, Krakow Poland, at which I virtually presented a parallel talk.