Weekly Meeting (Jan 25th, 2022)

  - Xilin: FMS simulation update 

Weekly Meeting (Jan 25th, 2022)

  - Minghui: fps/fpost calibration improvement.

Lunch break

CME primer and what we learned from the isobar run


Speaker : Evan Finch ( SCSU )

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 01:00

QCD phase structure at finite baryon densities from heavy-ion collisions


Speaker : Volodymyr Vovchenko ( LBNL )

Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 01:00

Junior Day

09:30Experimental jet physics at RHIC ( 01:00 ) 1 fileSaehanseul Oh (LBNL)
Coffee break ( 00:30 )
11:00CME primer and what we learned from the isobar run ( 01:00 ) 1 fileEvan Finch (SCSU)
Lunch break ( 01:00 )
13:00QCD phase structure at finite baryon densities from heavy-ion collisions ( 01:00 ) 1 fileVolodymyr Vovchenko (LBNL)
14:00The STAR Forward Upgrade ( 01:00 ) 1 fileCarl Gagliardi (TAMU)

PWG reports

09:00Cold QCD PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileQinghua Xu
09:30HF PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileBarbara Trzeciak
10:00JetCorr PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileRaghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Coffee break ( 00:15 )
10:45LFSUPC PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileDaniel Cebra
11:15CF PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileHanna Zbroszczyk
11:45FCV PWG report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileSubhash Singha

Town business etc. + overflow talks + Discussion of STAR in 2023-25 and beyond

09:00Tomography of ultra-relativistic nuclei with polarized photon-gluon collisions ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDaniel Brandenburg
09:20Software infrastructure development ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDmitri Smirnov
09:40CA tracker update and its evaluation ( 00:20 ) 1 fileHongwei Ke
10:00Summary of ML@STAR ( 00:20 ) 1 fileRaghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
Coffee ( 00:15 )
10:35PAC report ( 00:25 ) 1 fileRongrong Ma
11:00Shift report ( 00:20 ) 1 fileRosi Reed
11:20Council report ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJana Bielcikova
11:40STAR running in 2023+ ( 00:30 ) 1 fileHelen Caines
12:10DAQ upgrade and task force assignment ( 00:25 ) 1 fileTonko Ljubicic
13:00Management-convener meeting ( 01:30 ) 1 file

Physics Topics (featured + invited theory talks)

09:00Report from writing group of BES II summary paper ( 00:20 ) 1 fileBedanga Mohanty
09:20Summary of the RBRC workshop on physics opportunities with RHIC isobar run ( 00:30 ) 1 fileJiangyong Jia
09:50Global spin alignment of phi and K* meson ( 00:20 ) 1 fileXu Sun
10:10Study toroidal vortical structure in p+A with both magnetic field configurations. ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJoey Adams
Coffee ( 00:20 )
10:50Quark Gluon Plasma at large densities ( 00:50 ) 1 fileJaki Noronha-Hostler (UIUC)
11:40Theoretical impact of RHIC cold QCD program ( 00:50 ) 1 fileMarco Radici (INFN, Pavia)

Council Meeting

Operation and Computing

09:00Spokesperson's welcome ( 00:30 ) 0 files
09:30Run status ( 00:20 ) 1 fileZilong Chang
09:50Trigger and QA board report ( 00:20 ) 1 fileOleg Eyser
10:10Forward upgrade, hardware ( 00:25 ) 1 filePrashanth Shanmuganathan
10:35Forward software status ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDaniel Brandenburg
11:15RCF batch system ( 00:20 ) 1 fileLevente Hajdu
11:35Calibration/production ( 00:20 ) 1 fileGene Van Buren (BNL)
11:55Embedding status ( 00:20 ) 1 fileXianglei Zhu (BNL)

ECal rad damages

Speaker : Oleg Tsai

Talk time : 08:50, Duration : 00:20

FCS Gain

Speaker : akio/Xilin/Navagyan

Talk time : 08:30, Duration : 00:20


FCS Ecal pi0 tower by tower fit for run22 data

 - Data set: MuDst from FCS test run 23007067 , 23007068, 23007069, 23007075, 23007076 (fcsGainCalibration)

Strangeness production in Run16 d+Au 200GeV

Speaker : Ishu Aggarwal

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20

MTD/TOF weekly meeting

2022-09-07 09:30
America/New York
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1601891279?pwd=SXVTNEpGL2c4cmROUWpYbWFsZ1dpUT09, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

MTD/TOF weekly meeting

2022-08-31 09:30
America/New York
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1601891279?pwd=SXVTNEpGL2c4cmROUWpYbWFsZ1dpUT09, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

MTD/TOF weekly meeting

2022-08-24 09:30
America/New York
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1601891279?pwd=SXVTNEpGL2c4cmROUWpYbWFsZ1dpUT09, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

MTD/TOF weekly meeting

2022-08-17 09:30
America/New York
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1601891279?pwd=SXVTNEpGL2c4cmROUWpYbWFsZ1dpUT09, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

MTD/TOF weekly meeting

2022-08-10 09:30
America/New York
Wednesday, 10 August 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1601891279?pwd=SXVTNEpGL2c4cmROUWpYbWFsZ1dpUT09, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00