New good runs of 54GeV


New good runs of 54GeV


Heavy flavor QA report from day 215 to 228 (run24 pp200)


Heavy flavor QA report from day 215 to 228 (run24 pp200)


Heavy flavor QA report from day 215 to 228 (run24 pp200)


Heavy flavor QA report from day 215 to 228 (run24 pp200)


BSMD Offline QA plots


BSMD Offline QA plots


BSMD Offline QA plots


BSMD Offline QA plots


BSMD Offline QA plots


BSMD Offline QA plots


Run 17 and Run 12: Updates on Trigger Dependent Energy-Energy Correlators

 This is a follow up to the study of the trigger dependent Two Point Energy Correlator measurement with a focus on the bias that is introduced in trigger dependent events. 

Run 17: Jet Distributions and Initial Energy Correlator Results

 Initial trigger dependent measurement of Two-Point Energy Correlators in pp500 for Run 17. 







Tamis Jet QA 8_16_23


Bulk properties preliminary Fed