Analysis Note: Reaction Plane Correlated Triangular Flow in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 3.2 − 4.5 GeV

Global polarization of Lambda in Au+Au collisions at 17.3 GeV in BES-II


Global polarization of Lambda in Au+Au collisions at 17.3 GeV in BES-II


Global polarization of Lambda in Au+Au collisions at 17.3 GeV in BES-II


Global polarization of Lambda in Au+Au collisions at 17.3 GeV in BES-II


Global polarization of Lambda in Au+Au collisions at 17.3 GeV in BES-II


SQM-24 abstract


Dilepton Focus Group Meeting

2024-02-05 20:00
2024-02-05 21:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 6 February 2024, at 01:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

Cross check on the bad-run nos. For Au+Au 11.5 GeV Feb 2 2024

Forward Alignment Status

Speaker : Gavin Wilks

Talk time : 16:20, Duration : 00:20


First measurement of heavy flavour femtoscopy using D0 mesons and charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at √sN N = 200 GeV by STAR

Please consider this blog post as the abstract of ICHEP 2024

Run 22: QA and Jet Distributions

Speaker : Manny Rosales ( University of Kentucky )

Talk time : 16:00, Duration : 00:20












Be-8 in 3 GeV Au+Au (FXT)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
DescriptionRun: production_3p85GeV_fixedTarget_2018
Particle: Be-8 -> He4 + He4, strong decay (Please contact Tianhao Shao ( for details on the particle setup)
Production tag: P19ie SL20d
Library: SL20d 
Trigger: 620052 
Vertex: -198 cm < Vz < 202 cm, Vr < 2 cm
Flat Pt [0, 6] GeV, flat ycm [-2, 0], flat phi [0, 2pi]
Statistics: 500k, 5% refmult particles embedded
Bad run list: 19151029, 19151045, 19152001, 19152034, 19152038, 19152045, 19152078, 19153023, 19153032, 19154051, 19154012, 19154013, 19154014, 19154015, 19154016, 19154017, 19154018, 19154019, 19154020, 19154021, 19154022, 19154023, 19154024, 19154026
General Information
Request ID20240508
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s),
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events500000 = 500 K
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

p, d, t, He3, anti-p, anti-d at 200 GeV O+O

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
DescriptionCollision system and energy: O+O @ 200 GeV
Trigger Sets: production_OO_200GeV_2021, production_ps_OO_200GeV_2021, production_FF_OO_200GeV_2021.
Trigger ID: 860001, 860011, 860002, 860012.
Production Tag: P23ic
Particles: proton, deuteron, triton, Helium-3, anti-proton, anti-deuteron
Number of events: 500K for each particle, 5% of multiplicity
Flat in 0 < pT < 6 GeV
Flat in -1 < rapidity < 1
Flat in 0 < phi < 2pi
Z Vertex: |vZ| < 145 cm
Good Run List (if available, please use official list):

General Information
Request ID20240507
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events3000000 = 3 M
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

He4 in 19.6 GeV Au+Au (COL)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
DescriptionAu+Au 19.6 GeV

Year: 2019
Trigger Sets: production_19GeV_2019
Trigger ID: 640001, 640011, 640021, 640031, 640041, 640051
Production Tag: P21ic
Bad Run List : official

Particles: Helium-4
Number of events: 500K for each particle, 5% of multiplicity
Flat in 0 < pT < 6 GeV
Flat in -1.75 < rapidity < 1.55
Flat in 0 < phi < 2pi
Z Vertex: |vz| < 145 cm

General Information
Request ID20240506
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events500000 = 500 K
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30