
 3.5 purity careful calculation


 3.5 purity careful calculation

Jet Calibration for the FCS Update Jan 12

Speaker : Sean Preins ( University of California, Riverside )

Talk time : 16:00, Duration : 00:20

Working group talk: Analysis Update on Acc & Eff Planning Discussion


THERMUS revisited 1/11/2024


Forward Alignment Presentations

Slide about p-lambda CF(pwg20240111)


Results of the TPC survey 01/08/2024

 lardo, Matthew <milardo@bnl.gov>  Monday, January 8, 2024 at 12:05 PM 


Search for Muonic Atoms at STAR

Speaker : Xiaofeng Wang

Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:30


Hypernuclei reconstruction at 3.2GeV production P23id

Speaker : Iouri Vassiliev

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


STAR PWGC meeting

2024-03-01 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 1 March 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Low luminosity p+p run in Run 24? 
     - Presentation by Prithwish. Shengli's SLIDES to FCV
     - Priority is for targets listed in BUR, and p+p run priority is for ColdQCD targets 

2) ETOF in Run 24/25 
     - Any interest from PWGs?
     - Run19 Au+Au 200 GeV did not have good ETOF. Interest for spectra/freeze-out parameter measurements?
3) Outstanding Embedding requests 
     - LIST
     - Got detailed feedback from LFSUPC, also CF. Need feedback from FVC, HP

4) March Collaboration Meeting
    - Parallel sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday 
    - PAs planning for new results at SQM/CPOD should present updates at collaboration meeting 
    - PWG Summary talks on Friday
    - Convener - management meeting on Friday lunch time 

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-02-23 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 23 February 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-02-16 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 16 February 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Outstanding Embedding requests 
     - LIST
     - Need to decide priorities for requests that have embedding set up ready (in green)
     - PWGs should give a priority list, also feedback on stage/urgency of analysis
     - Several old requests, but still listed as active. Are they still needed/active?
     - Also several cases of requests with older libraries which have data reproduced with newer ones. Update needed?

2) Datasets on distributed disks 
     - Feedback from PWGs LIST
3) Upcoming conferences - SQM, CPOD, ICHEP
     - Very few abstracts from STAR so far ICHEP

4) March Collaboration Meeting
    - Please ask PWG members for contributions for the parallel sessions 

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-02-09 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 9 February 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-02-02 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 2 February 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Editorial Board Meeting  
     - AGENDA

2) PWGC Preview Status 
     - STATUS at last Editorial Board Meeting 

3) Datastes on DDs/NFS and PWG Tasks Space Review

4) Embedding sample with proton mass
      - Dataset:  /star/data14/GRID/NFS_FileList/production_7p3GeV_fixedTarget_2020_P23ie_protonTest_picodst.txt
      - Any follow up?

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-01-26 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 26 January 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Datasets on distributed disks 
     - LIST
     - MuDsts on DDs LIST. Many old MuDsts, needed?
     - PicoDsts on DDs LIST
     - MuDsts on NFS, Isobar P22ia : st_mtd MuDst + picoDstP21id: st_hf MuDst
     - Needs to delete some, PWGs please have a look

2) PWG Disk Leases
     - LIST
     - Tasks space 98% full
     - Only a few PWGs has got back on which datasets can be deleted, please provide feed-back 

3) Analysis Meeting Follow Ups
     - Forward software and Run22 preview production
     - TOF PID efficiency/embedding

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-01-19 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 19 January 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-01-12 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 12 January 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Anti-flow of Kaons in Au + Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3.0 - 3.9 GeV
     - Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Zhenyu Chen]
     - Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Zuowen Liu]
     - Open discussions (35')
     - Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)

2) Analysis Meeting
     - Agenda, chairing sessions 

3) Collaboration Meeting, ETOF Workshop
     - Next Collaboration meeting March 18 - 22, BNL
     - ETOF Workshop February 19 - 29, GSI

4) Upcoming Conferences
     - DIS 2024 - Grenoble, France: Apr 8 - 12, 2024  http://dis2024.org (abstract due Jan 31, 2024; STAR Internal: Jan 17, 2024) 
     - CPOD 2024 - Berkeley, CA: May 20 -24, 2024 https://conferences.lbl.gov/event/1376/ (abstract due Mar 1, 2024; STAR Internal: Feb 16, 2024)
     - SQM 2024 - Strasbourg, France; Jun 3 - 7, 2024 https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/29792/
     - Let us know of any embedding or data requests to be prioritized 

STAR PWGC meeting

2024-01-05 10:00
America/New York
Friday, 5 January 2024
https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99981267001?pwd=Q05nbjc3ZlgvR21TTzFpK2Jod2pJdz09, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00