Correlator at 3 GeV


2 particle Correlator Calculations

 Here is the derivation of the analytical calculation for the 2 particle correlator. It can be written as a sum of two parts, one corresponding to the average

STAR ops-man meeting

2023-12-13 14:00
2023-12-13 15:00
America/New York
Wednesday, 13 December 2023, at 19:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
Shutdown activities







QA of proton and antiproton in Run20 Au+Au at 11.5 GeV






pi, K, p for collider BES-II 17.3GeV

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)

17.3 GeV Collider:

Trigger Sets: production_17p3GeV_2021
Trigger ID: 870010
Production Tag: P23id
Library: SL23d
Particles: pi+/pi-/K+/K-/proton/antiproton:
Number of events: 10% of multiplicity
flat pT=[0,3.5] GeV
flat 2M each

Bad Run List (if available, please use official bad run list): 22145017, 22145022, 22145027, 22145044, 22149004, 22150023, 22150030, 22151020, 22152012, 22152016, 22152017, 22152018, 22153004, 22154004, 22155032, 22155033, 22156024, 22156026, 22156028, 22156031, 22156032, 22157011, 22157014, 22157020, 22157022, 22158012, 22158019. 
General Information
Request ID20235004
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
StatusBase QA Done, producing larger sample [5/7]
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events12000000 = 12 M
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

slides for conference


abstract for conference


nsigmaE distribution at special P, Eta Bin (AuAu14.6GeV)


Jet structure embedding for Run 12 pp 200 GeV

Request TypeEvent generator simulation
Description Jet structure embedding for Run 12 pp 200 GeV

Please find details in the attached file. 
General Information
Request ID20235003
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgHigh
StatusAssigned to Deputy [2/7]
Physics Working GroupHard Probes
Requested byyiyang
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: pkisel
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Event generator simulation
Number of events33000000 = 33 M
Magnetic FieldReversed Full-Field
Collision Typepp 200GeV
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tagsDbV20130212, pp2012b, AgML, mtdDat, btof, fmsDat, VFPPVnoCTB, useBTOF4Vtx, beamline, BEmcChkStat, Corr4, OSpaceZ2, OGridLeak3D, -hitfilt, Data, Production:, P12id
Geometry: simuy2012b
Geometry: recoy2012b
Vertex optionLeave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline
Pileup optionNo
Detector Setnbsp;span style=font-family: LMRoman10-Regular-Identity-H; font-size: 10pt;TPC, BEMC, EEMC/span
Data Sources
MC Event Generator
Event generatorNone
Extra optionsEvent generator: Pythia 6.4.28

Extra parameters for event generator: Perugia 2012 tune, set PARP(90)=0.213

The following particle decays are to not be handled by Pythia:

mdcy(106, 1) = 0; // PI+ 211
mdcy(116, 1) = 0; // K+ 321
mdcy(112, 1) = 0; // K_SHORT 310

mdcy(105, 1) = 0; // K_LONG 130
mdcy(164, 1) = 0; // LAMBDA0 3122
mdcy(162, 1) = 0; // SIGMA- 3112
mdcy(169, 1) = 0; // SIGMA+ 3222
mdcy(172, 1) = 0; // Xi- 3312
mdcy(174, 1) = 0; // Xi0 3322
mdcy(176, 1) = 0; // OMEGA- 3334 
mdcy(102, 1) = 0; // PI0 111
mdcy(109, 1) = 0; // ETA 221
mdcy(167, 1) = 0; // SIGMA0 = 3212

The following is important information when referencing the new embedding to the 2021 private embedding from the Spin PWG:

Have the previous issues fixed:
Overflow in PRNG seed initialization

The values of pseudo-random number generator were initialized via ranlux assuming a 32-bit unsigned integer is used. Instead, the software parses it into a signed number which wraps around to negative values. The subsequent logic in the software checks if the seed is negative and resets it to a fixed number. A fix for this issue was submitted as PR #215.

The effect of this bug on this production was limited by the following two factors:

  • For a long time in the production the opportunity for overflow was limited until 7ba28f9d3f232c780738304611348b0975640125 was applied. Thus not all of the production is affected.
  • The pythia and geant are sharing the PRNG state. So even when initialized with a fixed seed, the enthropy was likely picked up from propagating particles originating at the vertex position that is sampled from pseudo-random sequences that were independent between runs.

Invalid run number initialization for starsim

Due to a programming error, the RUN parameter to the pythia6.kumac macro was stuck at 13072020. This value gots propagated to the StEvtHddr structures, so analyzer has to rely on other means to detect the real run number (e.g. by looking at the filename).

The value of the run number does not affect the simulation in any way: starsim produces nearly-identical zebra files for different run numbers.

Invalid event id

Some events have a negative event number that starts with -499. The event number is being propagated from the geant event number. That event number counter is initialized by the rung statement in the kumac file to be set to ([CYCLE]-1)*500. The script sets the value of CYCLE to the value of the "repeat", which starts counting at 0, thus we get negative values. This issue is harmless.

Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm) if applicable0.057, 0.02, 45
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-10 < η < 10
Pt bin, GeV0 < Pt < 0
Macro file

Single positron in 17.3 GeV Au+Au (Run21)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
DescriptionPositron in 17.3 GeV  (BESII)
Request description: Run21 Au+Au 17.3 GeV (P23id, production_17p3GeV_2021)  
Particle: positron, 6M events  
Trigger: minbias, 870010
|Vz| <=150 cm, Vr <= 2cm
5%*refmult particles embedded in each event;  
Flat in rapidity: [-1.5, -1.5]
Flat in pT: [0-5] GeV/c
No official Good run list yet
General Information
Request ID20235002
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupHard Probes
Requested byyiyang
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events6000000 = 6 M
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

Single electron in 17.3 GeV Au+Au (Run21)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)

Electron in 17.3 GeV  (BESII)

Request description: Run21 Au+Au 17.3 GeV (P23id, production_17p3GeV_2021)  
Particle: electron, 6M events  
Trigger: minbias, 870010
|Vz| <=150 cm, Vr <= 2cm

5%*refmult particles embedded in each event;  
Flat in rapidity: [-1.5, -1.5]
Flat in pT: [0-5] GeV/c

No official Good run list yet

General Information
Request ID20235001
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupHard Probes
Requested byyiyang
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events6000000 = 6 M
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

Paper proposal for the BES II energy dependence of H3L production

Speaker : Yuanjing Ji

Talk time : 11:20, Duration : 00:20


H3L reconstruction at 3.5 GeV

Speaker : Yingjie Zhou

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:20


Update of phi production at 7.7-19.6 GeV

Speaker : Weiguang Yuan

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:20


Short-live particle measurement in events without collision vertex

Speaker : Leszke Adamczyk

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20