Physics in the DAQ 1000 Era

2007-08-16 09:00
2007-08-17 15:30
from Thursday, 16 August 2007 to Friday, 17 August 2007
Physics seminar room
Conference duration: 2 days

The goal of the workshop is to re-examine and assemble the key physics STAR will be addressing over the next eight years in light of the greatly increased DAQ rate capability and increasing RHIC luminosity. It aims to take the discussion of the physics we already focused on in our existing plan with the ongoing upgrades to a new level of detail/ reality, to identify issues related to much larger data samples such as computing resources, need for a new paradigm for analysis, new triggers and new trigger hardware. At the same time we encourage presentations of new ideas that may be sparked by people's deeper thinking about the capabilities STAR will have and new scientific insights from the ongoing program.
To set the background for the discussions, we will have presentations from experts on DAQ1000 capability, trigger capability and software and computing capability. We understand that the programs and emphases may evolve with new discoveries in the future. The goals here do not exclude future developments to the program, however, we will focus on what is foreseen from our current projection of the physics programs. To help identify the physics driven issues we would like one or more representatives from each PWG to present the key physics topics they expect to address over the next eight years and specifically for those topics indicate:
1. Physics topic
2. Event sample(s) needed
(don't forget to include reference data pp, d-Au,?)
a) number and type of events
b) trigger
c) detectors required in the data stream
d) beam species
3. Time frame to acquire/analyze events (a short run or data
from 5 years of running, ...)