PPV test w/ and w/o BTOF with run12 real data

The PPV with BTOF included is tested with Run 12 real data(pp200, low luminosity fill).

The data file using in this test is (total events 19191)


Production chain optoins(http://www.star.bnl.gov/devcgi/dbProdOptionRetrv.pl) are


Note: Good vertex means vertex with postive ranking.

Production was done using the DEV lib on 3/11/2012. Here shows the results: (TOF2*BBCMB trigger is selected, 18853 events in total)

PPV efficiency is defined as (events with at least one good vertex) / (total number of events).

efficiency=98.29%(wTOF), 94.75%(woTOF)

Fig:1 The 2-D correlation plot of # of good vertices in each event for PPV w/ TOF and w/o TOF.

Fig. 2: The ranking distributions for all vertices from PPV w/ and w/o TOF

Fig. 3: Vz correlation for the good vertex (ranking>0) with the highest ranking in each event for PPV w/ and w/o.

Fig. 4: Vz difference between vertices found in PPV w/ TOF and w/o TOF for the first good vertex in each event if any.



Update: select VPDMB-nobsmd triggered events

The data file using in this test is, (due to time limit, only run first 8757 events in this file)


same chain options,

Production was done using the DEV lib on 3/14/2012. Here shows the results: (VPDMB-nobsmd trigger is selected, 5627 events in total)

PPV efficiency is defined as (events with at least one good vertex) / (total number of events).

efficiency=62.73%(wTOF), 47.66%(woTOF)

Fig:1 The 2-D correlation plot of # of good vertices in each event for PPV w/ TOF and w/o TOF.

Fig. 2: The ranking distributions for all vertices from PPV w/ and w/o TOF

Fig. 3: Vz correlation for the good vertex (ranking>0) with the highest ranking in each event for PPV w/ and w/o.

Fig. 4: Vz difference between vertices found in PPV w/ TOF and w/o TOF for the first good vertex in each event if any.

Fig. 5: The first good vefrtex Vz and VpdVz difference in w/ and w/o TOF scenarios.

Fig.6: The first good vefrtex Vz and VpdVz 2D correlation for PPV w/ TOF

Fig.7: The first good vefrtex Vz and VpdVz 2D correlation for PPV w/o TOF