Run13 DiJets: Comparison of run9 results


The first step for the calculation is comparision to previous results.  For this comparison I will be using the run 9 dijet A_LL that was completed by Brian Page.  The derivation of the asymmetries are saved in asymmetries.pdf attached below.  

As can be seen from the formulas some of relevant quanties are the polariation and relative luminosities, and the spin sorted yields.  To double check that Brian and I are using the same numbers the file that he used and the file I used were both loaded into a spreadsheets, where one sheet are the numbers Brian used, another were the numbers I used, and the last sheet was a subtracition of Brian's number minus the numbers I used.  The file for relative luminosity (RellumiCompare.xls), and polarization(PolComare.xls) are attached.  There is no differance between our numbers, so the correct files are being used.

Another importain factor in the determination of A_LL is the data used to calculate the asymmetry.  Brian used a total of 888 runs, for more detail on the exact runs used this information can be found in his thesis.  For my comparison I have used 873 runs.  These is a differance of 15 runs, two are not readable due to not properly closed and have been created as a "zombie".  The other 13 runs were not found in the directories that the run 9 jet trees were stored in.  For the runs I used a complete spreadsheet of all the relevant information is attached(AsymmTotalsRun9.xls)  Note: There is informaion on multiple sheets.  The information is the relative luminosities, polarization of both beams, and the spin sorted yields per trigger per mass bin.  The spin sorted yields are differentiated by numbers.

Yield Number Spin Pattern
N5 N--
N6 N-+
N9 N+-
N10 N++

The mass bins are defined as follows

Bin # Mass Range
1 16-19
2 19-23
3 23-28
4 28-34
5 34-41
6 41-58
7 58-82
8 82-120

For example:  N5JP1_3 is the spin sorted yeild (N--), for the JP1 trigger for mass bin 3.

A write up of how the run 9 asymmetries are calculated for the comparison is explained in an attached write up (Run9WriteUp.doc).