STAR Protected

STAR Management Meeting

2011-08-25 11:00
2011-08-25 12:00
America/New York
Thursday, 25 August 2011
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

STAR Management Meeting

2011-08-18 11:00
2011-08-18 12:00
America/New York
Thursday, 18 August 2011
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

              EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star

              Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 10 6515 // Password: 0952

              Time:  11 - 12 noon EDT


  I.  Agenda:

               1) News - All

               2) Calibration/Production Run 11 data  - Jerome/Gene

               3) STAR Tracker Review - Jerome/Xin/Nu

               4) STAR website - Nu

               5) TBD


 II. Brief Summary and/or Action Items:

  0) Attendency: Flemming, Bill, Jerome, Huan, Scott, Xin, Nu, Gene

  1) News:  a) HFT - Flemming: ESSAC Sept.22, 2011. DOE NP, BNL and Flemming (HFT team) are working on the final documents;

                 b) ALICE new policy on its membership and its implicaitons to STAR collaboration. More discussions later.

  2) Run11 data: a) TOF QA, 19.6GeV is ready for production (today), will be followed by 27 GeV AuAu data, within 4 weeks; b) pp 500 GeV for TOF 

      calibration;  c) few months away for 200 GeV AuAu data.

 3) STAR Tracking Review: a) review committee:  / b) Charges. Jerome and Xin will come with a draft. c) Timeline: Review around mid-Nov. 2011

 4) Website: Nu will work on it along with the posters at the WAH.

III. Note:

  ► Charges to eSTAR Task Force, co-Chairs: Ernst Sichtermann and Zhangbu XU

  ► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


 IV. Future Meetings and Reviews:

  ► STAR Analysis Meeting, August 23-26, 2011, UC Davis

  ► SQM2011, Cracow, September 18 - 24, 2011. Deadline for abstract submission July 1, 2011.

  ► DNP, October 26-29, 2011, MSU.

  ► CPOD2011, Wuhan, November 7 - 11, 2011.

  ► STAR Collaboration Meeting, November 14 - 19, 2011, LBNL

A_N paper remaining issues

Speaker : JH

Talk time : 15:20, Duration : 00:20

pp2pp blue beam optics study turtle compared to data - constraint on quad current error

Speaker : Phil ( BNL )

Talk time : 15:00, Duration : 00:30

A_N and collinearity (mean ane sigma)

Speaker : Kin Yip ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:30, Duration : 00:30


Speaker : Elke + All

Talk time : 13:30, Duration : 00:30


Speaker : Stephen

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:30

SQM talk on vn-subtracted dihadron correlations

Update on Forward Photon Analysis

Perirpheral Collisions PWG Summary

Speaker : Janet Seger ( Creighton )

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:30

UPC Highlight: pp2pp status

JetCorr Highlight: PID-triggered dihadron analysis

2011 - Sti, CA and Stv tracking component review

This page will keep information related to the 2011 tracking component review.

Tracking Eval meeting #1

2011-08-12 15:00
2011-08-12 16:00
America/New York
Friday, 12 August 2011
1-189, at 19:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00


Meeting was held to discuss timeline and basic organiation of work toward a STAR internal tracking review (Sti, CA, Stv and combinations).


J/Psi update



Speaker : Barbara Trzeciak

Talk time : 11:30, Duration : 00:30

Non-photonic-electron – non-photonic-electron azimuthal correlations in Au+Au and p+p

Dihadron Correlation Relative to v2 and v3 Harmonic Planes

PID-triggered di-hadron correlation analysis

FMS-EEMC correlations

Inclusive jets; Hadron+jet semi-inclusive measurements; Status of publications of full jet reconstruction analysis