SN0819 : The STAR Beam Use Request for Run-24-25

Author(s):STAR Collaboration
Date:Aug. 19, 2023
File(s): STAR_BUR_Runs24_25_2023.pdf
Abstract: This Beam Use Request outlines the compelling physics programs proposed by STAR collaboration for data taking in 2024-25. STAR’s highest scientific priority is to complete the “must-do" Cold QCD forward physics program enabled by the recently completed suite of forward detectors via the collection of transversely polarized p+p and p+Au data at 200 GeV in Run-24. A combination of soft and hard probes collected during 2024-25, will be used to probe the QGP’s microstructure and continue our unique forward physics program via the collection of high statistics Au+Au, p+Au, and p+p data at √sNN = 200 GeV.