The goal is to provide overall STAR sensitivity for LT=100/pb & 300/pb.
Common assumptions:
- beam pol=70%
- W reco efficiency 70%
- no losses due to the vertex cut
- integrated over ET>20 GeV
This page is tricky, different assumptions/definitions are used for different eta ranges.
A) Forward rapidity: eta range [+1,+2], (shown on fig 1a+b in study 7 revised for White Paper, AL(eta), AL(ET) , (Jan))
determine the degree to which we can measure an asymmetry different from zero.
- QCD background added, B/S changes with ET.
- sensitivity is defined as 3 x stat_error of reco AL
- method: fit constant to 'data', use 3x error of the fit
LT=100/pb | LT=300/pb | |
W+, forward | 0.27 | 0.15 |
W-, forward | 0.30 | 0.18 |
I fit constant to the black points what is equivalent to taking the weighted average.
B) Mid-rapidity: eta range [-1,+1], (shown on fig 2a+b in study 8 no QCD backg AL(eta), AL(ET), also rapidity (Jan) )
determine the ratio of difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX to sigma(measured AL)
- account for 2x larger yield due to 2 polariazed beams
- QCD background NOT added
- sensitivity is defined as ratio
- avr difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX is used
avr(ALMIN-ALMAX) | LT=100/pb | LT=300/pb | |
W+, mid | 0.15 | 13 | 21 |
W-, mid | 0.34 | 13 | 22 |
C) Backward rapidity: eta range [-2,-1], (shown on fig 1c+d in study 7 revised for White Paper, AL(eta), AL(ET) , (Jan))
determine the ratio of difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX to sigma(measured AL)
- QCD background added, B/S changes with ET.
- sensitivity is defined as ratio
- avr difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX is used
avr(ALMIN-ALMAX) | LT=100/pb | LT=300/pb | |
W+, backward | 0.10 | 1 | 2 |
W-, backward | 0.5 | 5 | 9 |
D) Mid-rapidity: eta range [-1,+1], QCD background added (fig shown below, )
determine the ratio of difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX to sigma(measured AL)
- account for 2x larger yield due to 2 polariazed beams
- QCD background added, using B/S(ET) from M-C study at forward rapidity- it is the best what we can do today
- sensitivity is defined as ratio
- avr difference of DNS-MIN and DNS-MAX is used
avr(ALMIN-ALMAX) | LT=100/pb | LT=300/pb | |
W+, mid | 0.15 | 7 | 11 |
W-, mid | 0.34 | 10 | 15 |