The MuDst (for the 2009 pp2pp/STAR run) was made using the $STAR/StRoot/St_pp2pp_Maker together with all other standard packages in the STAR reconstruction chain.
- The codes to analyze the MuDst are only AnalyzeMu.h and AnalyzeMu.C in $CVSROOT/offline/pp2pp/kinyip .
- Officially, at the end of the GPC review, the above testing codes have been put in the official area of $CVSROOT/offline/paper/psn0559.
Running it requires several input files and some of which depend on which run number you're running against.
// ---------- Codes (say "mytest.C") to compile and run once if you have the filename(s) in .file.list --------------
// --- several run-dependent input files are really needed to run it meaningfully.
class StChain;
StChain *chain=0;
void mytest( string output_file = "hist.root" ){
chain = new StBFChain();
StMuDstMaker *maker = new StMuDstMaker(0,0,"",".file.list","",1000);
AnalyzeMu( maker, output_file ) ;
if ( chain != 0 ) delete chain ;
return ;
// -------------------------- End -----------------------------------------------