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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
ConferenceSTAR Analysis Meeting (August 23-27, 2011) Davis, CA cebra012 years 50 weeks ago
Book pageFrequently Asked Questions dmitry012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #6, Summer student's projects presentations jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkData systematics: AN, t vs phi...with two different transports jhlee012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingeSTAR Task Force biweekly meeting xzb112 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkCherenkov treatment in FMS jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkdE/dx studies in Run 11 jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkSystematic understanding with simulations jhlee012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSoftware and Computing Meeting jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
STAR ContributionTriangular Flow and Nonflow by 2-, 4-, and 6-Particle Cumulants from STAR yili012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingeSTAR Task Force biweekly meeting xzb012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingeSTAR Task Force biweekly meeting xzb012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkPaper jhlee012 years 50 weeks ago
Meeting talkFinalizing transport and parametrization jhlee012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #1, Results from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program in the STAR Experiment jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #2, BES hypertriton production and improving lifetime measurement jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #3, Triangular flow (v3) from STAR experiment jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #5, Di-electron production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
MeetingSummer 2011 BNL local group presentations #4, HFT - the Heavy Flavor Tracker : overview and status jeromel012 years 50 weeks ago
STAR ContributionStrange Baryon Production and AntiBaryon to Baryon Ratios in RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program fengzhao012 years 50 weeks ago
STAR ContributionThe High Transverse Momentum Non‐Photonic Electron (NPE) Measurements in Au+Au Collisions at √s=200GeV at RHIC/STAR xwq1985012 years 51 weeks ago
STAR ContributionExploring Gluon Polarization in the Proton with STAR gagliard012 years 51 weeks ago
Book page2008 didenko012 years 51 weeks ago
Meeting talkStatus on vertex finding ranking issues jeromel012 years 51 weeks ago