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Meeting talkTasks and Schedule matis013 years 42 weeks ago
Meetingpp2pp weekly wlodek013 years 42 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB matis013 years 42 weeks ago
Meeting talkNext Meeting? matis013 years 42 weeks ago
Meeting talkRDO Board matis013 years 42 weeks ago
Meeting talkLadder Board matis013 years 42 weeks ago
Meeting talkNews matis013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations Requestphi->e+ e- run8 dAu ruanlj013 years 42 weeks ago
Book pageAnalysis flow chart seluzhen013 years 42 weeks ago
Book pageDocumentation for the photon-jet reconstruction code seluzhen013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations RequestPositron in pp 2008 bielcik013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations RequestElectron (negative charged) embedding in pp2008 bielcik013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations RequestD0/D0bar reconstruction in Run9 pp 200 GeV ruanlj013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations Requestpbar in run 8 d+Au 200 GeV tone421013 years 42 weeks ago
STAR Simulations Request tbar in run 8 d+Au 200 GeV tone421013 years 42 weeks ago
Book pageStGammaJetDraw (applying analsyis cutsand generate histograms) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStGammaJetAnaEvent (event container which stores the gamma-jet sided residual info) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStGammaJetAna (maker which does the shower shape analysis) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStGammaJetEvent (simple container for the gamma-jet events) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStGammaJetMaker (read jet, skim, and EemcDst trees and generate gamma-jet tree) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStEemcDstMaker (Emc dst event container - similar to the gamma maker code structure) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStEemcGammaFilterMaker (BFC level Endcap gamma filter) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageStEemcGammaFilter (Pythia level EEMC gamma filter) seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageEEMC related MuDst/jet/skim/gamma trees location seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageKumac file examples seluzhen013 years 43 weeks ago