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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
STAR NotePSN0508 : Systematic Study of Bulk Particle Production at RHIC (Cu+Cu data) barannik014 years 43 weeks ago
Conference talkcoffee break ruanlj014 years 43 weeks ago
Conference talkupdate on 19.6 GeV paper ruanlj014 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageCode to run with STAR HF Tune calderon014 years 43 weeks ago
Conference talkKs, Lambda and anti-Lambda update in 19.6 AuAu collisions ruanlj014 years 43 weeks ago
Conference talkXi (1530) update in 200 GeV CuCu collisions ruanlj014 years 43 weeks ago
Conference talkcoffee break ruanlj014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryPresentation for Sept 17 Spin PWG rcorliss014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryRellumi Status jphw014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entry2005 Dijet Cross Section Preliminary Presentation mattheww014 years 43 weeks ago
MeetingSpin Physics PWG meeting sichterm014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entry2009 Geant geometry balewski014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entry2009 Spin QA: 500GeV Part II pagebs014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryComparison of 2009 BSMDE Slopes Eta Dependence to Database Absolute Gains wleight014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryPosition of BHT3 background rates (in eta phi) rcorliss014 years 43 weeks ago
Book page08 End or run status mattheww014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkTransverse Running heppel014 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryBEMC Geometry Study betan014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkRun 11 Transverse Spin program akio014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkMulti-site data transfer project, an overview jeromel014 years 43 weeks ago
Book pageData MC comparison ahoffman014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB jeromel014 years 43 weeks ago
MeetingSoftware and Computing phone meeting jeromel014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB jeromel014 years 43 weeks ago
Meeting talkEvidence supporting prompt TPC hits jeromel014 years 43 weeks ago