Recent posts

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Meeting talkProduction plans testadmin016 years 47 weeks ago
Book pageScientific Linux 4.4 from 3.0.5 jeromel016 years 47 weeks ago
Blog entryTunable Parameters for BEMC slow simulator kocolosk016 years 47 weeks ago
Blog entryDescription of the slow simulator procedures for the BEMC kocolosk016 years 47 weeks ago
Blog entrySingle-Photon Data-MC Comparison ahoffman216 years 47 weeks ago
Blog entryKaon-pion correlations in d+Au: more HIJING studies of energy-momentum conservation effects kopytin016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkKaon-pion correlations in d+Au: more HIJING studies of energy-momentum conservation effects kopytin016 years 48 weeks ago
Book pageHijing potekhin016 years 48 weeks ago
Book pageThe Magnetic Monopole in STAR potekhin016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkEmbedding scheme reshape - review of changes testadmin016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB testadmin016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkOverview of recent production testadmin016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkssd fast simulator bouchet016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkSSD and DAQ1000 matis016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkL2 Testing matis016 years 48 weeks ago
Meeting talkSTAR Ops Meeting matis016 years 48 weeks ago
Book pageClass and method naming good advice jeromel016 years 48 weeks ago
Book pageOS Upgrade jeromel016 years 48 weeks ago
Book pageSoftware and Libraries jeromel016 years 48 weeks ago
Conference talkSome facts and thoughts on a fast online tracking xzb016 years 49 weeks ago
Conference talkPhysics with tagged forward protons in DAQ 1000 era xzb016 years 49 weeks ago
Conference talkUsing the HFT as a trigger device xzb016 years 49 weeks ago
Conference talkSoftware and Computing Capabilities and Issues xzb016 years 49 weeks ago
Conference talkNew QCD Frontier for RHIC -- an exotic particle factory xzb016 years 49 weeks ago
Conference talkHeavy Flavor Physics in the DAQ 1000 Era xzb016 years 49 weeks ago