Recent posts

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Conference talk Net charge fluctuation using higher order cumulants Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talk Flow updates (Sergei) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talk v4/v2^2 ratio. (Yuting) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkIncident-energy and system-size dependence of directed flow (Gang) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkv2 fluctuations (Paul) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkObservation of #\Delta\phi\Delta\eta$ signals which increase with centrality of Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV. (Ron) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkLight clusters production and elliptic flow in Au+Au Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkGlobal Polarization & Systematics (Ilya) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talk14:00 - 14:30 : Acceptance correction in flow studies (Ilya) Anonymous018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkLogger component in STAR, a tutorial fine018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkSTAR Low Energy Physics - Results and Plans psoren018 years 1 week ago
ImageJuly 2006, collision usage statistics testadmin018 years 1 week ago
ImageJuly 2006, production usage statistics testadmin018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkTOF sub-system current and future work xzb018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkLambda and K0Short cut analysis macl018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkE-EMC readiness for Run VI and plan for Physics balewski018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkDiscussion - what still needs doing / path to QM macl018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkSTAR Spin Overview vigdor018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkSti status and recent developments kocolosk018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkWhy Xrootd? An overview of Storage Element pjakl018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkB-EMC sub-system status for Run VI and overview and step forward kocolosk118 years 1 week ago
Conference talkSTAR Hard Physics - Results and Plans dunlop018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkIST current state of software readiness mmiller018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkCalibration perspectives for next level accuracy tracking kocolosk018 years 1 week ago
Conference talkelectron flow in STAR. A new look suaide018 years 1 week ago