Recent posts

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Conference talkK/pi Fluctuations westfall018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkMethods for CuCu analysis keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkv2 for CuCu keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkBREAK keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkv2 vs centrality for Multistrange Hadrons keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkJoint with Spectra & High pT keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talk200 GeV directed flow keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkPhoton v2 keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference sessionEvent-by-Event Parallel Session II keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkCP violation keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkLong Range Correlations keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference sessionEvent-by-Event Parallel Session I keane018 years 18 weeks ago
Meeting talk K pi correlations in d+Au and Au+Au kopytin018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkV0 delta-eta correlations macl018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkdelta-eta Correlations macl018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkStrange Correlations in Cu+Cu macl018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkV0 delta-phi correlations macl018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference sessionPlenary Wednesday dunlop018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference sessionPlenary Tuesday dunlop018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkelectron-hadron correlations mvl018 years 18 weeks ago
Conference talkDi-hadron paper update mvl018 years 18 weeks ago
Blog entrycentrality in estruct code porter018 years 19 weeks ago
Conference talktower-charged correlations in d+Au mvl018 years 19 weeks ago
Conference talkConversion photons and pi0 mvl018 years 19 weeks ago
Conference talkProgress on pi0 clustering (if available) mvl018 years 19 weeks ago