Author tools

principle author tools

This page is provided as a resource for principle authors of STAR papers to aid in the manuscript submission process. See also the links to the left.

latex template files

To be completed

the star internal review process

To be completed

Godparent committees, maintained by J Dunlop

steps to submission

The following steps should be completed when submitting a paper to a journal. This assumes that one week has passed since the announcement and abstract to the other RHIC collaborations, and that Collaboration management has approved the submission:

  1. Update your LaTeX file with the latest versions of the author list and acknowledgements.
  2. Look up the relevant PACS code(s) for your manuscript and update your LaTeX file with these. At the very least, the PACS code 25.75.-q ("Relativistic heavy-ion collisions") probably applies to most STAR papers.
  3. Submit the LaTeX file and figures to the e-Print archive (instructions). If you haven't registered previously with arXiv, you will need to do so (register). Papers submitted on weekdays before 4:00 p.m. EST/EDT will be available to the public after 8:00 p.m. and included in the next weekday's morning announcement.
    When submitting the e-Print, please fill the Author(s) form field as follows: STAR Collaboration, A. Abcde et al., where A. Abcde is the first author.
  4. Submit the manuscript to the journal. Extensive guides exist for each journal:


  5. Submit the paper title, e-Print, and journal information to starweb (submit item), necessary for getting the paper into the publications database and announcing its submission on our website.

the journal review process

If you are the submitting author and contact person for a STAR paper that is being reviewed by a journal, there are a couple guidelines to follow:

  • Based on STAR's publication policy, referees' reports should be forwarded to starpapers (e-mail) upon receipt. When follow-up is required, the principal author(s) and GPC should distribute their response to the referees and the revised manuscript to the collaboration (again on starpapers) prior to resubmission. The Spokesperson will provide guidance in the process and will adjudicate any conflicts.
  • Also, it is good practice to update the paper's supporting documents page on the web with referee reports, Collaboration responses, and updated versions of the paper.

upon acceptance

Once the manuscript has been accepted and is in production, the data tables for the figures should be made available.