Holes in EPD QA plots

 In run 19, we were seeing that, over the course of a few hours, the <ADC> displayed in the QA plots for some of the tiles would slowly become blue.
Figure 1: Run 20081007, where a tile is slightly blueFigure 1: Run 20081007, where a tile is slightly blue
Figure 2: Run 20081009, where a tile is noticeably blueFigure 2: Run 20081009, where a tile is noticeably blue

We also noticed that, after a pedestal run, the <ADC> for these tiles became normal.
Figure 3: Run 20081025, where the blue tile has a normal &lt;ADC&gt; Figure 3: Run 20081025, where the blue tile has a normal <ADC>

A nice study by Rosi showed that there were still MIP peaks in the ADC distributions that looked fine, but they were shifted to higher ADC values and their pedestals were huge. Rosi concluded that this was due to a trigger algorithm change, and since the trigger algorithm was reverted there was nothing that was needed to be done.

In run 20, around run 20348027, we started seeing this issue pop up again. 

The decision was ultimately to change a QT32B daughter board. See this study by Rosi.