Drifting FMS Trigger Thresholds for Run12 pp500

In the trigger trees, L2sum is a 64 bit stream of trigger level 2 outputs, taking into account prescaling; it is stored as an array of two C++ ints. The upper int, L2sum[1] appears to be a copy of the lower int, L2sum[0] and thus only the L2sum[0] half is valid for selecting triggers. Fortunately, all the triggers which are supposed to be in L2sum[1] are takeall and are available in the FP201-->TCU inputs bitstream, stored in trigger trees as lastdsm[5]. Note that lastdsm[5] does not account for prescaling and is not valid for selecting prescaled triggers on events.

The following table summarises all of the triggers used. The non-obvious columns are:
idx -- local trigger index for my code
DSM -- dsm board name (all FP201 here)
chan -- TCU input channel (all 5 here)
bit -- TCU input bit for this trigger
which_branch -- whether to use L2sum[0] or lastdsm when selecting this trigger (special case is for "All", see below)

The All trigger, although a bit of a misnomer, is the OR of all of the above triggers; it uses both L2sum[0] and lastdsm[5] via the "allmasks" which are listed at the bottom of the table; basically, All trigger is marked as "fired" if any of the other triggers fired.

Below the table, the region with the black background is information for a single event, with it's L2sum, lastdsm[5], and which triggers fired.


This is a matrix of the overlap between these triggers; the main diagonal represents the total number a particular trigger fired; all other numbers indicate the number of times the trigger named in its row and column fired in the same event.


Here is a table of images for plots of kinematic variables against one another.
-- Three event classes are shown, occupying 12 rows each: single photon clusters, pions, and >2 photon clusters
-- each row is for a different pair (or single distribution) of variables
-- each column is for a different trigger
-- I have these plots available for each run, someone may make gifs or videos out of them to show how they evolve throughout the run

I've looked at pT, E, Eta, and Phi distributions as a function of run number for each of these triggers. The following PDFs show these plots:
-- one trigger per page
-- top plot is kinematic variable vs. run index
-- bottom plot is average of that kinematic variable vs. run index
-- for pT, the black line is drawn at the mean value of a guassian fit within the range of the distribution max bin plus-or-minus the RMS

E - energy pT - transverse momentum
Eta - pseudorapidity Phi - azimuth

