FMS-RP overlap and FMS-FMS trigger overlap
Run List
~147 million FMS triggers from this LIST OF RUNSRP Trigger Logic
In TCU input, we have access EOR, WOR, ET, and IT
Trigger Overlap (via TCU input)
For each of these plots, the vertical axis is the FMS L2 trigger and the horizontal axis is an RP trigger, defined from above; the z-axis (text) is the number of overlaps. For the FMS, the "All" trigger is the OR of all FMS triggers. The four plots are four four event classes: single photons, pi0s, 3 or more photons (above eta mass), and etas, with the following cuts:
- The single photons only cut on number of photons
- The pi0 cuts are as always: Z<0.8, E-dependent M-cut, 2 photons, 10>E>100, 1>pT>10, 100mrad isolation
- The three-or-more photons cuts also include a M>0.7 cut to avoid pi0s and etas
- The eta cuts include a mass cut +/-0.15 GeV around eta peak and a fiducial volume cut (1.5 cell widths from any boundary) to help cut back on bg
Asymmetry dependence on RP trigger (LEFT for pions, RIGHT for single photons)
Red points are for the full asymmetry, unrestricted by RP triggers; right click and open image in new tabe to enlarge
First compare to ET and IT, which mostly agree with unrestricted asymmetry:
Compare to the SDE and SDW definitions; SDW appears to be supressed:
Compare to "exclusive" RP triggers, where:
- XWOR = WOR && !EOR
- XEOR = EOR && !WOR
XEOR agrees with unrestricted asymmetry, while XWOR seems to be supressed
- dilks's blog
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