Update 05.13.2018 -- Run 9 Embedding: Response Matrices

Here is the first stab at the response matrices as calculated using the Run 9 dijet embedding sample.  The charged hadron triggers are defined in the way they have been throughout the study, and "recoil jets" here indicate jets which satisfy |delta-phi - pi| < pi/4.  Comparisons between the embedding and data at the jet level can be found here:


And below are the response matrices for R = 0.3, charged jets opposite charged hadron triggers.  I've included both the separate matrices for the RFF and FF configurations, and the combined matrix.

Here 'pTcorr(MC)' indicates the particle-level 'pTcorr = pTjet - rho*Ajet', and 'pTcorr(matched)' indicates the 'pTcorr' of the matched detector-level jet.  The RFF matrix had 19686 entries (i.e. total no. of matched detector level jets) and the FF matrix had 20988 entries.  Note that none of these matrices have been normalized, but the entries are weighted according their relevant fudge factors.

Update [05.18.2018]: I forgot to specify the QA cuts applied to the jets in the above matrices.  Both particle- and detector-level jets have to satisfy:

  • areaJet > 0.2
  • |etaJet| < 0.7
  • pTjet > 0.2 GeV/c

Where 'pTjet' indicates the raw reconstructed jet 'pT', no corrections have been made for the UE or JES.