STAR software installation on SL5.2 - my notes

1. enable EPEL repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
2. yum install cvs openafs openafs-client 
3. add to /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell, service afs start, export CVSROOT=/afs/
4. mkdir /usr/local/star; cd /usr/local/star; cvs co group;
4. yum install cernlib-g77 cernlib-g77-devel cernlib-packlib-g77 cernlib-g77-utils
5. added starlib user, unlocked account with "usermod -U starlib; usermod -p blablapass starlib;"
6. copied .cshrc and .login scripts, changed GROUP_DIR to /usr/local/star/group, verified setup
7. yum --enablerepo=dag install perl-GD perl-GDTextUtil perl-GDGraph perl-GIFgraph
8. yum --enablerepo=dag install make tar flex xpm libpng dejagnu gdb texinfo emacs findutils fileutils grep (xpm - does not exist)
9. yum --enablerepo=dag install perl-Image-Xpm
10. yum --enablerepo=dag install m4 autoconf automake libtool valgrind ImageMagick lynx
11. yum --enablerepo=dag install xv nedit text2c (xv, text2c - do not exist)
12. yum --enablerepo=dag,epel install icalc chtext jed doxygen astyle log4cxx apr apr-util (icalc, chtext, jed, astyle, log4cxx - do not exist)
13. yum install qt qt-devel qt4 qt4-devel qt-config qt-MySQL qt4-mysql;
14. yum install gcc-c++
14. wget; rpmbuild --rebuild; rpm -ivh;
15. wget; rpmbuild --rebuild; rpm -ivh;
16. compile /afs/*gz and install .so to $OPTSTAR/$STAR_HOST_SYS/lib/