Production Request for Run14 PXL+IST Calibration Table Verifications

We request a calibration production to verify calibration tables for all Run14 AuAu200GeV physics runs. Here are the details of this request

- physics runs in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV. full list is here:  /star/u/dongx/lbl/hft/Run14/StatusCheck/run.list
- 10 st_physics_adc* files per run. This is to make sure that we can sample the whole run period with a small amount of events.
- 500 events per st_physics_adc file.
- chain option: (need the event.root output)


- total event number: about 4000-5000 events per run, 1800 runs result in about 9M events.
- production time:   interactive test shows about 1.5 CPU second per event, so the full production will need about 4000 CPU hours. Since each file has only 500 events, it is OK to combine the whole run 10 files into one job and save into one output file.
- total disk space:   about 7TB for all event.root files.