Production Request to Verify Run15 HFT Calibration Quality

All physics runs from pp 200, pAu 200 GeV and pAl 200 GeV collisions

~5000 events per run. We want these events can sample the whole time in each run, therefore *_adc* files will be better suited.
Library:  DEV
BFC chain options (only HFT hit chain, event.root files are needed):

The data files to be processed are a bit complicated due to the trigger/daq setup. Here are the complete lists
A) pp 200 GeV collisions - 2124 runs in total
st_ssdmb_adc files from the following runs:
st_nossdmb_adc files from the following runs:
and st_physics_adc files from the following runs (mostly before ssdmb/nossdmb were not separated out in the first period of pp200 run)
B) pAu 200 GeV collisions - 954 runs
st_ssdmb_adc files from the following runs:
st_nossdmb_adc files from the following runs:
(there is no request specifically for st_physics_adc files as all runs did have either ssdmb or nossdmb streams).

C) pAl 200 GeV collisions - 169 runs
st_ssdmb_adc files from the following runs:
st_nossdmb_adc files from the following runs:
(there is no request specifically for st_physics_adc files as all runs did have either ssdmb or nossdmb streams).

Resource needed:
pp200 - 3000 CPU hours, 3.5 TB
pAu200 - 1400 CPU hours, 2.5 TB
pAl200 - 250 CPU hours, 0.5 TB