Issue 2043

In discussion of RT ticket 2043 and applying a patch to the mapping at the MuDst level instead of re-producing the data...

 The database table for the BSMDe map (Calibrations_emc / bsmdeMap) has 18000 elements. Each group of 2250 elements represents an RDO (8 total). Within each RDO group, the elementIDs 1-2250 are in 15 constant phi groupings of 150 elements. The 150 elements in each phi grouping step across eta. The eta and phi for each elementID is recorded in the DB. With the proper mapping, crate 7 is supposed to map to elementIDs 13501-15750, and crate 6 is supposed to map to 15751-18000.

This allows me to plot (eta,phi) of the elements which were mapped incorrectly in the P10ij production of Run 10 data so far. Here are two plots for the incorrectly mapped channels by 'rdo', and by 'rdoChannel':


There are only 33 channels with incorrect 'rdoChannel'. It is probably best to just declare these as dead.

There are 3711 channels with incorrect 'rdo' (not 4500 because 789 channels were correctly mapped out of the 4500 in the elementIDs 13501-18000). Of those, 3246 have the 'rdo' incorrect in both the crate 6 and 7 groupings. This means that for those 3246, a patch can be applied at the MuDst level using a lookup table.

The other 465 have the 'rdo' wrong for either elementIDs 13501-15750 (258 of them) or elementIDs 15751-18000 (207 of them), but not both. As I understand it, the data that was supposed to be in these two groups is truly lost as they were not read into the offline structures.

Here is a plot of (eta,phi) for the 465 truly lost channels:


For additional usage as interested by an readers, I will attach a file of the incorrectly mapped channels due to 'rdo' as a text file of (elementID,eta,phi), and paste into this page the incorrectly mapped channels due to 'rdoChannel', also in (elementID,eta,phi):

14703   -0.02497350     -0.41887900
14709   -0.06489320     -0.41887900
14723   -0.15753300     -0.41887900
14731   -0.20992400     -0.41887900
14741   -0.27460900     -0.41887900
14751   -0.33819401     -0.41887900
14769   -0.44929600     -0.41887900
14779   -0.51459199     -0.41887900
14789   -0.58810502     -0.41887900
14797   -0.64494097     -0.41887900
14803   -0.68640202     -0.41887900
14804   -0.69321501     -0.41887900
14817   -0.77927297     -0.41887900
14825   -0.82995099     -0.41887900
14835   -0.89092898     -0.41887900
14935   -0.55902600     -0.31415901
14936   -0.56633699     -0.31415901
15047   -0.31290501     -0.20943899
15048   -0.31924599     -0.20943899
15141   -0.92629200     -0.20943899
15142   -0.93209898     -0.20943899
15159   -0.06489320     -0.10472000
15253   -0.68640202     -0.10472000
15254   -0.69321501     -0.10472000
15385   -0.55902600     0.00000017
15386   -0.56633699     0.00000017
15497   -0.31290501     0.10472000
15498   -0.31924599     0.10472000
15591   -0.92629200     0.10472000
15592   -0.93209898     0.10472000
15609   -0.06489320     0.20943999
15703   -0.68640202     0.20943999
15704   -0.69321501     0.20943999
