Issue 2058

 Plots for RT ticket 2058:


Looking at file: /star/rcf/test/st_ht_11046044_raw_5130001.daq


Starting with just the first 4 events...(because the 4th event was showing notably slow processing and large Inst/Free values from Sti in DEV, but was fine in SL10k)...

Number of hits per event:


Distribution of hit flag values integrated over those 4 events:

There are plenty of hits with flags 0, 1, 2, 3, and then a few at 10, 16, 96, 97, 98, 99. To get an idea of how these are distributed among the 4 events, I plot here the fraction with flag>0 in each event:

 All 4 events are close to having approximately 1/3rd of their hits with non-zero flag values. The mean over 4 events is 0.3275.

Here are the flag bit assignments as recorded in $STAR/StRoot/RTS/src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF_flags.h:

#define FCF_ONEPAD              1

#define FCF_DOUBLE_PAD          2	// offline: merged
#define FCF_MERGED		2

#define FCF_DOUBLE_T            4

#define FCF_FALLING             8	// offline: charge too big!
#define FCF_BIG_CHARGE		8

#define FCF_ROW_EDGE            16      // 0x10 touched end of row
#define FCF_BROKEN_EDGE         32      // 0x20 touches one of the mezzanine edges
#define FCF_DEAD_EDGE           64      // 0x40 touches a dead pad
#define FCF_IN_DOUBLE           128	// 0x80 one should use the floating point in the union
#define FCF_CHOPPED		256	// 0x100 cluster is chopped from its neighbour: OFFLINE use only

