BeamLine for Run 12 pp200 from TPC Twist

 As I did last year, I looked at the ntuple generated for the TPC Twist calibration to determine a preliminary beamline value for Run 12 pp200. The runs used were: 13036033, 13036034, 13036035, 13037092, 13039132, 13039135, 13039136, 13040003, 13040016, 13040017, 13040018, 13040037. Vertices are weighted by sqrt(multiplicty)/<sqrt(multiplicity)> (using only vertices with abs(vZ)<50 cm, and at least 5 matched tracks).

I have entered these values into the database with a beginTime of 2012-02-01 00:00:00

The macro I used is easy to run, and is available for cvs checkout from offline/users/genevb/twist2beamline.C
