Calibrating SC & GL with updated Calib_SC_GL.C

I modified Calib_SC_GL.C to include the alternative calibration fit methods for GridLeak and SpaceCharge. I then ran the macro on files which Alán and Qiye had prepared for Run 12 calibrations. Here I discuss some observations. Please see the descriptions of those alternative fit methods for definitions of the terms I used on this page.

Note on images: clicking on images links to a PDF version (if you want to read the text on the plots better), and the PNG images may actually be larger when viewed on their own (i.e. they are shrunk in the HTML of this page).

Note on fit results: the macro does two independent 3 parameter fits first for fGL of gapf and fSC of sc data respectively before doing a finaly unifying fit of fSCGL on both gapf and sc data simultaneously.


Stability across use of different calibration parameters:


Here are the results of three groups of three applied parameter sets (i.e. 9 different applied parameter sets total) for UU193, followed by chisq/dof contour plots of the final unfiying fit. The three groups all give results that agree within errors.

SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 93) data points removed (2 iterations)
SO      	:	2521.25	+/- 2525.4
log(SCe)	:	-13.9974	+/- 0.0716771
log(g5) 	:	2.43514	+/- 0.127971
RMS_all = 0.0001032 for zdce+zdcw

GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 93) data points removed (2 iterations)
g2            	:	1.07917	+/- 2.34077
gGL/g2 = SCxGL	:	2.92962e-07	+/- 2.42954e-07
GLO           	:	-23668.3	+/- 49653.9

SC = (4.736e-08 +/- 2.274e-08) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2521 +/-   2525))
  with GL =  6.19 +/-  7.95

USING STDDEV SC = 0.000104 :: GL = 0.015784

SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
g2     	:	0.969168	+/- 2.99887
log(g5)	:	2.45177	+/- 2.28066
log(SC)	:	-16.9477	+/- 0.101314
SO     	:	2490.12	+/- 3584.67
log(GL)	:	2.03617	+/- 0.250467
GLO    	:	-18730	+/- 68731.3

SC = (4.362e-08 +/- 4.419e-09) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2490 +/-   3585))
  with GL =  7.66 +/-  1.92
SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 90) data points removed (2 iterations)
SO      	:	2410.76	+/- 2630.65
log(SCe)	:	-13.9431	+/- 0.0734539
log(g5) 	:	2.53385	+/- 0.130556
RMS_all = 0.0001033 for zdce+zdcw

GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 90) data points removed (2 iterations)
g2            	:	1.28046	+/- 4.08483
gGL/g2 = SCxGL	:	3.24771e-07	+/- 2.31198e-07
GLO           	:	-14265.5	+/- 36573.5

SC = (4.407e-08 +/- 1.99e-08) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2411 +/-   2631))
  with GL =  7.37 +/-  8.37

USING STDDEV SC = 0.000104 :: GL = 0.015294

SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
g2     	:	1.27919	+/- 5.78729
log(g5)	:	2.52205	+/- 1.45551
log(SC)	:	-16.9371	+/- 0.103622
SO     	:	2409.05	+/- 3730.94
log(GL)	:	1.99852	+/- 0.269841
GLO    	:	-14198.7	+/- 51837.4

SC = (4.409e-08 +/- 4.568e-09) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2409 +/-   3731))
  with GL =  7.38 +/-  1.99
SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 89) data points removed (2 iterations)
SO      	:	2583.93	+/- 2745.24
log(SCe)	:	-13.9905	+/- 0.0774144
log(g5) 	:	2.43713	+/- 0.141744
RMS_all = 0.0001095 for zdce+zdcw

GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 89) data points removed (2 iterations)
g2            	:	1.29112	+/- 3.67433
gGL/g2 = SCxGL	:	3.16412e-07	+/- 2.23631e-07
GLO           	:	-16235.1	+/- 37458.4

SC = (4.572e-08 +/- 2.136e-08) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2584 +/-   2745))
  with GL =  6.92 +/-  7.91

USING STDDEV SC = 0.000110 :: GL = 0.015389

SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
g2     	:	1.32024	+/- 5.32895
log(g5)	:	2.40959	+/- 1.42456
log(SC)	:	-16.9045	+/- 0.109115
SO     	:	2573.48	+/- 3894.28
log(GL)	:	1.94915	+/- 0.272678
GLO    	:	-15420	+/- 51390.4

SC = (4.555e-08 +/- 4.97e-09) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2573 +/-   3894))
  with GL =  7.02 +/-  1.91



Validity of forcing SO=GLO:


Using 10 different applied parameter sets, here are fits of 6 parameters vs. 5 parameters (GLO = SO) for UU193, demonstrating that 5 parameters does not work well for some data. I believe this is because the individual fSC and fGL fits give an SO and GLO that differ by too much. The GLO parameter is not well-constrained by the gapf data (large error in the fGL fit), so the single parameter comes to a value which is close to that of SO from the fSC fit. But for this higher value of SO to work in the gapf data, the fSCGL fit must raise the value of GL to make the function go through the data and the intercept (offset), arriving at a very high GL value.

Note: the individual fits (fSC and fGL) are the same regardless of what we do with the parameters of the fSCGL fit, so I've only shown them once in common. 

6 parameters 5 parameters (GLO=SO)
SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 294) data points removed (2 iterations)
SO      	:	2376.2	+/- 7595.99
log(SCe)	:	-13.9848	+/- 0.212997
log(g5) 	:	2.45961	+/- 0.382308
RMS_all = 0.0001069 for zdce+zdcw

GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 294) data points removed (2 iterations)
g2            	:	1.28933	+/- 9.51165
gGL/g2 = SCxGL	:	3.28075e-07	+/- 6.53659e-07
GLO           	:	-14069.2	+/- 101562

SC = (4.412e-08 +/- 6.035e-08) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2376 +/-   7596))
  with GL =  7.44 +/- 24.40

USING STDDEV SC = 0.000305 :: GL = 0.043034
SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
g2     	:	1.24971	+/- 13.0845
log(g5)	:	2.46395	+/- 7.79093
log(SC)	:	-16.9779	+/- 0.299852
SO     	:	2343.23	+/- 10759.7
log(GL)	:	2.10686	+/- 0.709662
GLO    	:	-11673.9	+/- 139816

SC = (4.232e-08 +/- 1.269e-08) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2343 +/- 1.076e+04))
  with GL =  8.22 +/-  5.84
SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdce+zdcw):
g2     	:	0.685682	+/- 8.65123
log(g5)	:	2.47992	+/- 1.3724
log(SC)	:	-17.5258	+/- 0.300813
SO=GLO 	:	2264.45	+/- 10756.7
log(GL)	:	3.12904	+/- 0.456628

SC = (2.447e-08 +/- 7.361e-09) * ((zdce+zdcw) - (  2264 +/- 1.076e+04))
  with GL = 22.85 +/- 10.43


 And a 6 parameter fit vs. 5 for 7 different applied parameter sets of pp500, demonstrating that 5 parameters can work well for some data. Here, I think SO and GLO are close enough to each other in the individual fits that the compromised single offset in the 5 parameter fit is sufficiently close to each of them to not have so big of a side effect. GLO must drop a little bit to approach SO, and so GL must also drop just a little bit to make fSCGL pass through both the gapf data and the intercept (offset), but not much.


6 parameters 5 parameters (GLO=SO)
SpaceCharge fit results (scaler: zdcx):
Finished outlier removal: 4 (of 260) data points removed (3 iterations)
SO      	:	3644.26	+/- 8554.46
log(SCe)	:	-11.9658	+/- 0.0435477
log(g5) 	:	2.65234	+/- 0.0719733
RMS_all = 0.001171 for zdcx

GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdcx):
Finished outlier removal: 0 (of 260) data points removed (2 iterations)
g2            	:	1.10472	+/- 1.02305
gGL/g2 = SCxGL	:	2.67195e-06	+/- 2.07912e-07
GLO           	:	10089.5	+/- 14934.8

SC = (2.598e-07 +/- 3.075e-08) * ((zdcx) - (  3644 +/-   8554))
  with GL = 10.28 +/-  1.57

USING STDDEV SC = 0.002320 :: GL = 0.044169
SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdcx):
g2     	:	1.10472	+/- 1.44261
log(g5)	:	2.65403	+/- 1.91557
log(SC)	:	-15.1621	+/- 0.0539041
SO      :	3768.34	+/- 12150.4
log(GL)	:	2.32927	+/- 0.0880414
GLO    	:	10067.3	+/- 21062.3

SC = (2.601e-07 +/- 1.402e-08) * ((zdcx) - (  3768 +/- 1.215e+04))
  with GL = 10.27 +/-  0.90
SpaceCharge & GridLeak fit results (scaler: zdcx):
g2     	:	1.10212	+/- 1.44172
log(g5)	:	2.64994	+/- 2.58898
log(SC)	:	-15.1318	+/- 0.0539347
SO=GLO  :	5353.84	+/- 10528.3
log(GL)	:	2.27523	+/- 0.0890868

SC = (2.681e-07 +/- 1.446e-08) * ((zdcx) - (  5354 +/- 1.053e+04))
  with GL =  9.73 +/-  0.87


More to come...

