Filtering production of events by offline trigger ID

 How to use the BFC chain options: FiltTrg*

This name was chosen to match other filters used in BFC, as declared by the comment in BFC.h: // Filtering - all filters will have the pattern "FiltXXX"

"FiltTrg" may be immediately followed by "Inc" or "Exc" (or neither, which will behave like "Inc"). These suffixes determine whether events whose triggers match any of those listed in the database table are included (not skipped), or excluded (skipped).

The primary part of the chain option is optionally followed by a database table flavor specifier, of the form "_flavor" (where "flavor" is actually an alphanumeric string representing a flavor. This flavor will only be applied to the trgOfflineFilter database table. The global default "ofl" flavor for offline reconstruction will of course be used if no table-specific flavor is specified here.

Neither the DB flavor nor primary part of the BFC option are case sensitive.

Explicit examples of specific chain options:
  • FiltTrg  :  Include all events which have a matching trigger from records with "ofl" flavor
  • FiltTrgExc  :  Exclude all events which have a matching trigger from records with "ofl" flavor
  • FiltTrgInc_TOFcalib  :  Include all events which have a matching trigger from records with "TOFcalib" flavor
  • FiltTrgExc_TpcLaser  :  Exclude all events which have a matching trigger from records with "TpcLaser" flavor
  • filttrg_FMS  :  Include all events which have a matching trigger from records with "FMS" flavor

These of course depend on a populated database. The relevant offline database table is Calibrations_trg / trgOfflineFilter, using the table structure found at $STAR/StDb/idl/trgOfflineFilter.idl. The table may contain up to 64 elements, with each element containing a non-zero offline trigger ID (which can be easily seen in RunLog information), or a zero (if not used; tables should be padded with zeros for unused elements). And, of course, the flavor of these database entries is relevant to whether the entries are picked by any given form of the FiltTrg chain option (different flavors allow concurrent productions of data from the same period using different filters).