Missing tracks in current Stv

 Using files available as of 2013-03-06 01:00 eastern U.S. time:
  • Sti: /star/data99/reco/AuAu200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2010c/gheisha_on/eval_Sti
  • Stv: /star/data99/reco/AuAu200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2010c/gheisha_on/eval13_Stv
I obtain the following results simply by opening a few MuDsts...
TChain MuDst("MuDst");






Here are the results. Plots are Stv first, then Sti.

η vs zfirst:

This indicates tracks are lost with have a window of positive η for negative zfirst, and a window of negative η for positive zfirst.

zlast vs. zfirst:

This indicates that the lost tracks have same sign first and last z, so they are not central-membrane-crossing tracks;
they are tracks with zlast closer to the central membrane than zfirst, but both zlast and zfirst are on the same side of the TPC.

atan2(pz,pT) vs. zlast [i.e. direction of the track, using pz,T at the last (outermost) hit]:

This indicates that at z=0 there is a discontinuity in the window of allowed momentum vectors (track directions).

[atan2(pz,pT) - atan2(zlast,rlast)] vs. atan2(zlast,rlast) [i.e. difference between the track direction and the direction towards (0,0,0)
at the last (outermost) hit; a schematic of this angular difference is included at the bottom of this post]:

One can clearly see the two kinds of tracks here: primaries lie near zero on the vertical axis with a spread defined
by the zvertex distribution, while secondaries (and very low pT primaries) form a diagonal band which is defined by
the acceptance of the TPC. My understanding is that [atan2(pz,pT) - atan2(zlast,rlast)] is supposed to be constrained
to ±π/2, but I have these observations of the constraint as it appears in these last two pairs of plots:

  1. It is not constrained to ±π/2.
  2. It is not flat in [atan2(pz,pT) - atan2(zlast,rlast)]...
  3. ...nor is it flat in atan2(pz,pT), so it isn't cutting at some fixed η, e.g. it is not η<0 for z<0.
  4. It is discontinuous across z=0.
I have made a sketch of the apparent constraint below (exaggerated to help see the variation). My guess is that this
constraint is calculated incorrectly.
