First look at BeamLine in Run 13 pp510

 I processed a few thousand events from run 14072098 with the chain:

Here are a few plots of the data:

y vs. x shows y is more offset from 0 than x, so y will be more sensitive to pile-up:

y vs. BEMC matches (capped at 7):

y vs. EEMC matches (capped at 7):

y vs. BTOF matches (capped at 7):

y vs. matches across the TPC central membrane (capped at 3):

And here is the very preliminary calibration, using a cut of "(mult>25&&(detmap&7)>0)||(mult>15&&(detmap&7)>3)", uploaded to the DB with a timestamp of 2013-03-01 00:00:00:
    row.x0	 = -0.01031345; // cm   : x intercept of x vs z line  ;
    row.dxdz	 = -0.0003603694; // :    slope    of x vs z line  ;
    row.y0	 = -0.5831217; // cm   : y intercept of y vs z line  ;
    row.dydz	 = 0.0006101717; // :    slope    of y vs z line  ;
    row.err_x0	 = 0.00300816; // cm   : error on x0  ;
    row.err_dxdz	 = 8.228317e-05; // : error on dxdz  ;
    row.err_y0	 = 0.003242227; // cm   : error on y0  ;
    row.err_dydz	 = 8.380458e-05; // : error on dydz  ;
    row.chisq_dof	 =   39.22777; // chi square / dof of fit  ;
    row.weight	 =        100; // weight of seed to use in vertex-finding  ;
    row.stats	 =       3801; // number of events used in seed-finding  ;

I also attempted to "see" the beampipe, but had no success in doing so.
