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Sti comparison between SL16b for focus group mods
Updated on Thu, 2016-05-05 23:37. Originally created by genevb on 2016-05-05 23:36.
Several modifications for Sti are being proposed by a focus group. Dmitri S. helped assemble StRoot/Sti in SL16b to include modifications 1-5 from You do not have access to view this node.
I ran two jobs using (1) SL16b as is, and (2) SL16b plus the modifications, on the same Run 13 pp500 dataset I used for previous comparisons [see 1, 2], although this time using the PPV-Boost vertex-finder parameters. I used non-optimized to avoid the known problems with optimized SL16b. The two jobs were run at nearly exactly the same time on an lightly loaded RCF node, allowing for a reasonable timing comparison.
1) The modifications had absolutely no effect on track reconstruction.
2) The modifications appear to have slowed down non-optimized Sti by what I estimate to be ~10% ± 1% (stat.) ± 2% (syst.)
Evidence for the latter is demonstrated by using the "Cpu =" numbers from the end of the log files. I get the below ratios of CPU time spent on each timing listed in the logs (modified SL16b ["mod"] divided by standard SL16b ["std"]), where the x-axis in the first plot is an index of the sequence in which timings are listed in the log file (1=bfc, 2=rts_reader, ...16 =Sti, ... etc.). In the second plot, the x-axis is the average of time spent on that item per event, which is relevant to the statistical weight of each value (500 events; I've excluded the full bfc from this plot, which was ~50 CPU-sec/event).
Sti, which accounts for over 50% of the reconstruction time, is ~10% slower in the modified SL16b. Statistical fluctuations in timing have some correlation with the magnitude of the time spent on an item (i.e. if the time is sub-1-second, variations are amplified in the ratio), and I think it's reasonable to estimate that the statistical fluctuations would be at the 1% level or less for Sti, which accounts for nearly 27 CPU-sec/event. I subjectively estimate the systematic error at 2% based on what appears to be not-so-random fluctuations among the non-Sti items. Consequentially, since Sti accounts for just over half the bfc time, the full bfc timing was ~5% slower with the modified SL16b.

For documentation sake, including line numbers corresponding to "index" in the above plots, here are the relevant portions of the logs for the values use...
Standard SL16b:
Modified SL16b:
I ran two jobs using (1) SL16b as is, and (2) SL16b plus the modifications, on the same Run 13 pp500 dataset I used for previous comparisons [see 1, 2], although this time using the PPV-Boost vertex-finder parameters. I used non-optimized to avoid the known problems with optimized SL16b. The two jobs were run at nearly exactly the same time on an lightly loaded RCF node, allowing for a reasonable timing comparison.
1) The modifications had absolutely no effect on track reconstruction.
2) The modifications appear to have slowed down non-optimized Sti by what I estimate to be ~10% ± 1% (stat.) ± 2% (syst.)
Evidence for the latter is demonstrated by using the "Cpu =" numbers from the end of the log files. I get the below ratios of CPU time spent on each timing listed in the logs (modified SL16b ["mod"] divided by standard SL16b ["std"]), where the x-axis in the first plot is an index of the sequence in which timings are listed in the log file (1=bfc, 2=rts_reader, ...16 =Sti, ... etc.). In the second plot, the x-axis is the average of time spent on that item per event, which is relevant to the statistical weight of each value (500 events; I've excluded the full bfc from this plot, which was ~50 CPU-sec/event).
Sti, which accounts for over 50% of the reconstruction time, is ~10% slower in the modified SL16b. Statistical fluctuations in timing have some correlation with the magnitude of the time spent on an item (i.e. if the time is sub-1-second, variations are amplified in the ratio), and I think it's reasonable to estimate that the statistical fluctuations would be at the 1% level or less for Sti, which accounts for nearly 27 CPU-sec/event. I subjectively estimate the systematic error at 2% based on what appears to be not-so-random fluctuations among the non-Sti items. Consequentially, since Sti accounts for just over half the bfc time, the full bfc timing was ~5% slower with the modified SL16b.

For documentation sake, including line numbers corresponding to "index" in the above plots, here are the relevant portions of the logs for the values use...
Standard SL16b:
1 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StBFChain::bfc Ast =24961.38 Cpu =24861.82 2 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StRtsReaderMaker::rts_reader Ast = 0.03( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.02( 0.0%) 3 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StAnalysisMaker::analysis Ast = 6.73( 0.0%) Cpu = 6.87( 0.0%) 4 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTreeMaker::outputStream Ast =692.12( 2.8%) Cpu =656.64( 2.6%) 5 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventQAMaker::EventQA Ast = 82.92( 0.3%) Cpu = 82.63( 0.3%) 6 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMuDstMaker::MuDst Ast =893.45( 3.6%) Cpu =889.51( 3.6%) 7 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StStrangeMuDstMaker::strangeMuDst Ast = 1.97( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.79( 0.0%) 8 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTagsMaker::tags Ast = 0.78( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.81( 0.0%) 9 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StHighPtTagsMaker::HighPtTags Ast = 0.53( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.40( 0.0%) 10 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StHeavyTagMaker::HeavyTag Ast = 0.40( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.33( 0.0%) 11 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventCompendiumMaker::StEventCompendiumMaker Ast = 1.01( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.07( 0.0%) 12 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker::scscalercal Ast = 20.15( 0.1%) Cpu = 20.05( 0.1%) 13 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofCalibMaker::btofCalib Ast = 0.47( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.41( 0.0%) 14 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofMatchMaker::btofMatch Ast =109.89( 0.4%) Cpu =109.63( 0.4%) 15 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StdEdxY2Maker::dEdxY2 Ast =5751.06(23.0%) Cpu =5739.94(23.1%) 16 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StiMaker::Sti Ast =13341.69(53.4%) Cpu =13315.69(53.6%) 17 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StGenericVertexMaker::GenericVertex Ast = 0.50( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.41( 0.0%) 18 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMaker::BTofChain Ast = 19.22( 0.1%) Cpu = 9.28( 0.0%) 19 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEpcMaker::epc Ast = 0.54( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.57( 0.0%) 20 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StPreEclMaker::preecl Ast = 1.17( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.30( 0.0%) 21 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEmcRawMaker::emcRaw Ast = 15.59( 0.1%) Cpu = 13.61( 0.1%) 22 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StZdcVertexMaker::StZdcVertexMaker Ast = 0.48( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.60( 0.0%) 23 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMaker::tpcChain Ast =3987.29(16.0%) Cpu =3979.14(16.0%) 24 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventMaker::0Event Ast = 21.83( 0.1%) Cpu = 21.17( 0.1%) 25 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTriggerDataMaker::trgd Ast = 1.12( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.12( 0.0%) 26 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker St_geant_Maker::geant Ast = 1.04( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.98( 0.0%) 27 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEEmcDbMaker::eeDb Ast = 0.79( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.81( 0.0%) 28 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcDbMaker::tpcDB Ast = 0.92( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.74( 0.0%) 29 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StDetectorDbMaker::detDb Ast = 0.82( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.05( 0.0%) 30 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMagFMaker::MagField Ast = 0.78( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.73( 0.0%) 31 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker St_db_Maker::db Ast = 3.75( 0.0%) Cpu = 3.04( 0.0%) 32 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StIOMaker::inputStream Ast = 2.36( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.48( 0.0%) 33 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StMaker::BTofChain Ast = 5.52 Cpu = 5.49 34 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StVpdCalibMaker::vpdCalib Ast = 0.51( 9.3%) Cpu = 0.54( 9.8%) 35 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofHitMaker::tof_raw Ast = 5.01(90.7%) Cpu = 4.95(90.2%) 36 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StMaker::tpcChain Ast =3986.03 Cpu =3978.22 37 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcHitMover::tpc_hit_mover Ast =3094.64(77.6%) Cpu =3088.68(77.6%) 38 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcHitMaker::tpc_hits Ast =891.38(22.4%) Cpu =889.54(22.4%) 39 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StIOMaker::inputStream Ast = 0.00 Cpu = 1.00 40 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StDAQMaker::inputStream_DAQ Ast = 0.00(100.0%) Cpu = 0.00( 0.0%)
Modified SL16b:
1 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StBFChain::bfc Ast =26269.17 Cpu =26168.58 2 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StRtsReaderMaker::rts_reader Ast = 0.03( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.03( 0.0%) 3 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StAnalysisMaker::analysis Ast = 6.67( 0.0%) Cpu = 6.60( 0.0%) 4 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTreeMaker::outputStream Ast =705.26( 2.7%) Cpu =667.85( 2.6%) 5 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventQAMaker::EventQA Ast = 78.44( 0.3%) Cpu = 78.25( 0.3%) 6 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMuDstMaker::MuDst Ast =888.64( 3.4%) Cpu =885.98( 3.4%) 7 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StStrangeMuDstMaker::strangeMuDst Ast = 1.87( 0.0%) Cpu = 2.13( 0.0%) 8 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTagsMaker::tags Ast = 0.75( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.65( 0.0%) 9 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StHighPtTagsMaker::HighPtTags Ast = 0.50( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.46( 0.0%) 10 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StHeavyTagMaker::HeavyTag Ast = 0.37( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.34( 0.0%) 11 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventCompendiumMaker::StEventCompendiumMaker Ast = 0.97( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.94( 0.0%) 12 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker::scscalercal Ast = 20.12( 0.1%) Cpu = 20.02( 0.1%) 13 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofCalibMaker::btofCalib Ast = 0.43( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.55( 0.0%) 14 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofMatchMaker::btofMatch Ast =108.56( 0.4%) Cpu =108.18( 0.4%) 15 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StdEdxY2Maker::dEdxY2 Ast =5825.40(22.2%) Cpu =5814.03(22.2%) 16 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StiMaker::Sti Ast =14695.96(55.9%) Cpu =14667.24(56.0%) 17 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StGenericVertexMaker::GenericVertex Ast = 0.45( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.47( 0.0%) 18 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMaker::BTofChain Ast = 16.63( 0.1%) Cpu = 9.97( 0.0%) 19 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEpcMaker::epc Ast = 0.50( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.38( 0.0%) 20 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StPreEclMaker::preecl Ast = 1.12( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.01( 0.0%) 21 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEmcRawMaker::emcRaw Ast = 15.60( 0.1%) Cpu = 14.20( 0.1%) 22 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StZdcVertexMaker::StZdcVertexMaker Ast = 0.44( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.36( 0.0%) 23 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMaker::tpcChain Ast =3865.29(14.7%) Cpu =3857.50(14.7%) 24 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEventMaker::0Event Ast = 22.69( 0.1%) Cpu = 22.31( 0.1%) 25 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTriggerDataMaker::trgd Ast = 1.02( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.05( 0.0%) 26 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker St_geant_Maker::geant Ast = 2.47( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.99( 0.0%) 27 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StEEmcDbMaker::eeDb Ast = 0.70( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.61( 0.0%) 28 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcDbMaker::tpcDB Ast = 0.84( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.96( 0.0%) 29 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StDetectorDbMaker::detDb Ast = 0.74( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.68( 0.0%) 30 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StMagFMaker::MagField Ast = 0.70( 0.0%) Cpu = 0.65( 0.0%) 31 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker St_db_Maker::db Ast = 4.47( 0.0%) Cpu = 2.64( 0.0%) 32 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StIOMaker::inputStream Ast = 1.52( 0.0%) Cpu = 1.55( 0.0%) 33 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StMaker::BTofChain Ast = 5.39 Cpu = 5.51 34 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StVpdCalibMaker::vpdCalib Ast = 0.47( 8.8%) Cpu = 0.44( 8.0%) 35 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StBTofHitMaker::tof_raw Ast = 4.91(91.2%) Cpu = 5.07(92.0%) 36 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StMaker::tpcChain Ast =3864.21 Cpu =3856.60 37 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcHitMover::tpc_hit_mover Ast =2940.59(76.1%) Cpu =2934.90(76.1%) 38 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StTpcHitMaker::tpc_hits Ast =923.62(23.9%) Cpu =921.70(23.9%) 39 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Chain StIOMaker::inputStream Ast = 0.00 Cpu = 1.00 40 QA :INFO - QAInfo:Maker StDAQMaker::inputStream_DAQ Ast = 0.00(100.0%) Cpu = 0.00( 0.0%)
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