Sti comparison between tags SL16b and StiCA_2016

I processed two different sets of data for You do not have access to view this node purposes:
  1. Run 13 pp510: 500 events from st_physics_14079008_raw_1920004.daq
  2. Run 14 AuAu200: 500 events from st_physics_15164004_raw_2000022.daq
I used 4 different libraries, where EVAL as of this date contains the StiCA_2016 tagged codes.
  1. SL16b
  2. SL16b optimized
  3. EVAL
  4. EVAL optimized
First, some general notes & observations:
  • For pp510, I used all 4 libraries somewhat successfully.
    • EVAL optimized introduced "nan" values in one of my comparions quantities, which I ignored for this study: error on the DCA, which is an argument value returned by the function THelixTrack::Dca(), as defined in $STAR/StRoot/StarRoot/THelixTrack.*
  • For AuAu200, I used only the non-optimized libraries. This I did because the EVAL optimized jobs aborted quickly, reporting the following:
    root4star: .sl64_gcc482/obj/StRoot/StarRoot/THelixTrack.cxx:802: double THelixTrack::Step(const double*, double*, double*) const: Assertion `iter' failed.
    *** Problem in THElixTrack::Step(vtx) ***
    double vtx[3]={-nan,-nan,-nan};
    Clearly there is an issue with the THelixTrack class in optimized EVAL.
  • SL16b optimized and unoptimized gave identical results within the precision that I used for my comparison values. I believe if one uses higher precision, we've seen occasional differences in the least significant digits due to rounding. Thus, I will show no plots comparing SL16b (unoptimized) to SL16b optimized.
  • Cuts to match tracks (by proximity) were the defaults:
    • Δ(q/pT) < 0.1 [GeV/c]-1
    • Δ(η) < 0.1
    • Δ(φ) < 0.15 [rad]
  • Cuts to select "good tracks" for use in matching were the defaults:
    • Nhits ≥ 25
    • Either a BEMC or BTOF match
    • 3D DCA < 4 cm to a primary vertex with...
      • rank ≥ 0 (pp510) or rank ≥ -5 (AuAu200)
      • daughter multiplicity ≥ 5
      • daughters matched to BEMC ≥= 1
      • |zTPC - zVPD| < 5 cm

Run 13 pp510 comparisons:

Reconstruction chain: pp2013a,btof,VFPPVnoCTB,beamline,BEmcChkStat,CorrX,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,SCScalerCal,goptSCE100051,-hitfilt

Correlations and ratios of reconstruction time per event: unoptimized EVAL is a little slower, while optimized EVAL is notably faster.
(Note 1: all 4 chains run at the same time, on the same node, using the same local disk)
(Note 2: first event is the slow outlier as it includes initialization overheads)

Number of "good tracks" used for my comparisons: EVAL optimized has more than SL16b, and unoptimized has fewer.
SL16b 131612
SL16b optimized 131612
EVAL 131201
EVAL optimized 131887

Track-by-track matching: optimized EVAL seems to introduce the most mis-matches.
A vs. B matched unmatched A unmatched B
SL16b vs. EVAL 131120 492 81
SL16b optimized vs. not 131612 0 0
EVAL optimized vs. not 130105 1782 1096
SL16b optimized vs. EVAL optimized 130083 1529 1804

SL16b vs. EVAL:
  "zcol" "profs" "prof"
Δ(q/pT)/(q/pT) vs. Nhits
Δ(sDCA) vs. Nhits
Δ(Nhits) vs. Nhits

EVAL optimized vs. not:
  "zcol" "profs" "prof"
Δ(q/pT)/(q/pT) vs. Nhits
Δ(sDCA) vs. Nhits

SL16b optimized vs. EVAL optimized:
  "zcol" "profs" "prof"
Δ(q/pT)/(q/pT) vs. Nhits
Δ(sDCA) vs. Nhits
Δ(Nhits) vs. Nhits

Run 14 AuAu200 comparisons:

Observations are very similar to what was seen in Run 13 pp510.

Reconstruction chain: P2014a,btof,BEmcChkStat,CorrX,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,SCScalerCal,goptSCE100051,-hitfilt

Correlations and ratios of reconstruction time per event: unoptimized EVAL is a little slower.
(Note 1: both chains run at the same time, on the same node, using the same local disk)
(Note 2: first event is the red marker; it includes initialization overheads)

Number of "good tracks" used for my comparisons: EVAL unoptimized has fewer than SL16b unoptimized, just like with Run 13 pp510.
SL16b 176359
EVAL 175727

Track-by-track matching: similar to the Run 13 pp510 results.
A vs. B matched unmatched A unmatched B
SL16b vs. EVAL 175655 704 72

SL16b vs. EVAL:
  "zcol" "profs" "prof"
Δ(q/pT)/(q/pT) vs. Nhits
Δ(sDCA) vs. Nhits
Δ(Nhits) vs. Nhits
