phi-meson global spin alignment kaon and phi distributions

These are the results and comparisons for raw data and simulated reconstructed particles.

We are focusing on 19.6 GeV Au+Au collisions in BES-II with centrality 20-60%.

Data comparison to Pythia6 simulation results with the followin settings:

Rapidity Spectra flat
v2 from preliminary results
ToF Matching Efficiency On
TPC Tracking Efficiency On
Angular dependent of Efficiencies phi-Psi2
Acceptance cut |eta| <1

Kaon Distributions: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
File naming convention: 
  • *_{pT,phiy,phieta,phi,y,eta}_* corresponds to the {1D pT, 2D phi vs y, 2D phi vs eta, 1D phi, 1D y, 1D eta} distributions. 
  • *_{data,rc,datarc,datarcratio}.pdf corresponds to {data, rc, data and rc, data/rc} distributions.
  • *_{SE,ME,SM}.pdf corresponds to the {same event, mixed event, same event - mixed event} distributions that are used to produce all other histograms.
Kaon Delta Distributions: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/
File naming convention: 
  • *_{phiy,phi,y}_* corresponds to the {2D phi_{K+}-phi_{K-} vs eta_{K+}-eta_{K-}, 1D phi_{K+}-phi_{K-}, 1D eta_{K+}-eta_{K-}} distributions. 
  • *_{data,rc,mc,datarc,datarcratio,datamcratio}.pdf corresponds to {data, rc, mc, data and rc, data/rc, data/mc} distributions.
  • *_{SE,ME,SM,RC,MC}.pdf corresponds to the {same event, mixed event, same event - mixed event, reconstructed simulation, simulation before reconstruction cuts} distributions that are used to produce all other histograms.
  • *_IndividualCos2PhiStarPhiBins_* corresponds to histograms that are displayed in each cos(2phi*-2phi) bin, rather than an integrated value over all bins.

Phi Distributions: STAR/system/files/userfiles/6551/CosEfficiencyProccessTuple_EPRes_EffAcc_Ycut_Order2_NoRapiditySpectra_FixedFirstEP_RCBins_prelimv2_EPeff_flatRP_Acc1Rc_pT0p1_TPC_TOF_phis_20240416
File naming convention:
  • *_{pT,phiy,phi,y,phistarphi,phistar,phistarmphi}_* corresponds to the {1D pT, 2D phi vs y, 2D phi vs eta, 1D phi, 1D y, 1D eta, 2D phistar vs phi, 1D phistar, 1D phistar-phi} distributions. 
  • *_{data,rc,datarc,datarcratio}.pdf corresponds to {data, rc, data and rc, data/rc} distributions.
  • *_{SE,ME,SM,RC,MC}.pdf corresponds to the {same event, mixed event, same event - mixed event, reconstructed simulation, simulation before reconstruction cuts} distributions that are used to produce all other histograms.
  • *_IndividualCos2PhiStarPhiBins_* corresponds to histograms that are displayed in each cos(2phi*-2phi) bin, rather than an integrated value over all bins.

Phi Invariant Mass Distributions (Apply K+,K- pair invariant mass cut on phi mesons in data):