Run 12 Calibration Status Day58

Oct 29 2012

The curent state of calibration is here:
1) Current HTML calibration page here
2) Mass Distributions


Oct 22 2012

The current state of calibration has shown some improvement in large cell calibration.

1) Current HTML calibration page here
2) Mass distributions with current calibration
3) Highlight changes.

 Oct 15 2012

Just a reminder about the calibration approach.

We have been using a combimation of two calibration methods:

1) Setting the energy slope @3 GeV to a smooth function of rapidity that is internally determined by the current data set.
For this method, the quantity that is made smooth is the fitted value of the (energy/gev) for local high tower clusters that are not the highest tower in the event.
The problem we have is that for a fraction of the hotter cells, the calibration is far enough off so that certain regions are hot even for non-leading clusters.

2) Mass fitting.


Normally we have been going back and forth between 1) and 2)

  • until the mass are good "1)"  
  • and the rapidity dependence of non-leading clusters is smooth "2)". 


This week I rewrote the algorithm for smoothing out the callibration to account better for deviations due to hot cells. (This is our biggest problem).

The current calibration status html plots  can be found here

To see what the mass distributions look like look at this pdf. (plots of mass for 0.1 eta bins and 10 Gev energy bins)

 Nice Eta peaks are shown in E=50 GeV ; eta=3.7 (page 17)

                                                     E=40 or 50 GeV ; eta=3.6 ( p 23)   also eta=3.5, 3.4

                                                     E=30 &40     ;  eta=3.0      (p 57)

                                                     E=30             ; eta=2.9       (p 63)









Oct 8 2012

Just as a status report on work on ~4 runs on day 58

The current calibration html results are here

A few example physics plots are shown below