
 I have done an analysis of runs 16068021 16068022 16068023.
This is about 7 million events.
This also represents a voltage change is the North small cells but does not involve new trigger conditions.
There has not yet been a round of improving correction factors after the voltage change.
The mass plots in rapidity bins are here (note the histogram names for pseudo-rapidity and energy info)
The events were analyzed for two photon events in a 0.035 Radian cone and with Z<.7. All FMS triggers were allowed.

The HTML file that represents the starting point for additional iterations is here.

Also attached is a plot of one photon events in the same cone. The plot shows the x-y distribution of photon positions.
To look at the pT distribution for selected triggers and eta bins look at the file and refer back to, although this assignment of triggers to lastdsm[5] has been questioned.  Trigbits on these plots referrs to lastdsm[5].