Run-20 Alignment

Working on Run20 alignment in order to see if there are any differences stemming from the differences in the TFG and SL libraries.

I did timing check for the 11.5 GeV data and then alignment starting from the existing parameters (alignment that I did for Run-19) and compared the resultant calibration parameters (actual parameters in the database) to those that Yuri got from Run-20 express production based on TFG20a library.

Above plot shows that t0 from prompt hits are same between Yuri's and my check (Little differences are withing the shift from run to run).

Based on above t0 I did the SS alignment and compared it to Yuri's parameters.

For mu above SS alignment I used inner vs. outer parameters from Run-19, whereas Yuri redid the inner vs. outer based on Run-20 cosmics. So I also compared inner vs. outer parameters between his new and my old.

To do proper comparison I took run 21242001 - which is very low luminosity run (injection issues at RHIC, so store was kept for a very long time). I reconstructed it with TFG20a (this has all the new alignment from Yuri, as seen above) and with SL20c (did some alignment here, with the tpcSectorT0 file - as seen above). But before I move into details very strange thing, I have much much less entries (DCAs) in the SL20c:

This is the chain I use : "P2020a, -OPr13, OPr40, in,StiCA, btof, mtd, PicoVtxDefault, BEmcChkStat, OSpaceZ2, -evout"...

I believe that SS differences stem from the inner vs. outer differences (one absorbed another).