jai2006's blog
- D0 Signal Update - New Run over Prod2 Files on Hpss - October 3., 2009
- D0 Signal Update-Comparison of HPSS and NFS files - September 29., 2009
- D0signal in AuAu-2007, HF Meeting on 22nd May 2009 - June 1., 2009
- D0 Signal in AuAu 2007Production2 - May 21., 2009
- Analysis of RealAuAu Data with SiliconHits and SigmaDca cuts - May 18., 2009
- Update on D0 Analysis(Embedded Data)-modification of dEdx cut in MuKpi - May 13., 2009
- Analysis of D0 Embedded AuAu Data - May 1., 2009