jhlee's blog - Draft of the talk "STAR Upgrade Overview" at "Future directions in High Energy QCD", Riken, JAPAN Oct. 20-22 2011 - October 13., 2011
- DIS10 Proceedings - "Diffractive Physics Program with Tagged Forward Protons at STAR/RHIC" - July 16., 2010
- Draft of the DIS10 talk - April 5., 2010
- Hadron09 Proceedings "Hadron Spectroscopy in DPE Processes with the STAR Detectors at RHIC" - March 8., 2010
- Abstract for DIS2010 - February 13., 2010
- A First QUICK Look at the central data from the first muDst - February 2., 2010
- Hadron09 Talk - November 25., 2009
- Abstact for Hadron09: Spectroscopy in DPE processes - September 23., 2009