W stream runQA of P14ig production (period 2 of run13)
Here is a summary of runQA for run13 period 2, p14ig produciton. The same procedure with period one are used. Here is the slide for each variable.
1. run list from catalog , 822 run produced
get_file_list.pl -cond "filetype=daq_reco_MuDst,filename~st_W,production=P14ia,trgsetupname=pp500_production_2013,storage=local" -keys "orda(runnumber)" -distinct -limit 0 > runlist.txt
2. 43 run lasted for shorter than 3mins, will not be used for physics analysis.
3. 52 runs from first part of F17600, excluded.
4. 727 runs before QA, 11 runs (0.65pb-1 ) rejected from L2BW list, 115 runs (17.44 pb-1) rejected from L2EW.
14134033 14134034 14134037 14134062 14134063 14135014 14135015 14135016: from fill: 17499, 17500, 17502, 17503: hot region due to L2E trigger.
107 runs without ESMD will be excluded from L2EW analysis
Noted a dead region, 23 runs (14136049-14137013),no eemc information from muDst, but the online plots looked good, need further investigation
>>>>>>QA varibles as function of ZDC rate <<<<<
1) Just similar with what we saw in the plot with run index as the X-axis, there are significantly luminosity dependence for the TRACK related variables, especially the chi2.
2) For the DCA distributions, there are some kind of smears.
3) The numbers of tracks and vertexes depends on both the luminosity and the reconstruction efficiency.
4) The numbers of EMC towers also slightly show luminosity dependence. The Endcap partially OFF also can be reflected.
5) We also noted the track eta show luminosity correlation. It is not directly instantaneous luminosity dependence, but the statistics dependence. The impact from the out-of-order sector 20 in negative rapidity are expected to be larger with more tracks. But for L2EW trigger data, the trigger "particle" play more important role at lower statistics.
Summary table for L2BW , 716 runs with 121.7 pb-1
Runs |
Luminosity |
Issues |
decision |
14136049-14137013, 14045022, 14147049-051 |
3.83pb-1 |
No eemc info |
question |
14138042, 14146010-012, 14148081, 14160058-14161020 |
3.17pb-1 |
Hot towers |
Accept |
14140053 |
0.04pb-1 |
short run due to GMT 100%error |
reject |
14143081,082,091,092,093 |
0.17pb-1 |
Bad trigger rate |
reject |
14144057 |
0.06pb-1 |
bTower ET/phi outlier |
reject |
14145040 |
0.05pb-1 |
lost half of one beam |
reject |
14147065 |
0.04pb-1 |
error configuring L1 dsm |
reject |
14149037 |
0.06pb-1 |
short run with trigger issue |
reject |
14149031-14150058 |
2.11pb-1 |
12 triggers out of configuration |
question |
14155096-099 |
0.35pb-1 |
EEMC just came back, very few hits |
question |
14130033-14135022, 14152047-14153062 |
30.27pb-1 |
EEMC partially off |
question |
Summary table for L2EW, 612 runs with 101.5pb-1
Runs |
Luminosity |
Issues |
decision |
42 runs from fill: 17499, 17500, 17502, 17503 |
7.76pb-1 |
L2EW trigger problems |
question |
14136049-14137013 |
3.64pb-1 |
No eemc info from muDst |
reject |
14138042, 14146010-012, 14148081, 14160058-14161020 |
3.17pb-1 |
Hot towers |
Accept |
14140053 |
0.04pb-1 |
short run due to GMT 100%error |
reject |
14143081,082,091,092,093 |
0.17pb-1 |
Bad trigger rate |
reject |
14144057 |
0.06pb-1 |
bTower ET/phi outlier |
reject |
14142016-17, 14144127-28, 14152022-23 |
0.71pb-1 |
low counts on esmd |
accept |
14145040 |
0.05pb-1 |
lost half of one beam |
reject |
14147065 |
0.04pb-1 |
error configuring L1 dsm |
reject |
14149037 |
0.06pb-1 |
short run with trigger issue |
reject |
14149031-14150058 |
2.11pb-1 |
12 triggers out of configuration |
question |
14155096-099 |
0.35pb-1 |
EEMC just came back, very few hits |
reject |
14130033-14135022, 14152047-14153062 |
30.27pb-1 |
EEMC partially off |
question |
14136049-14137013, 14145031-14145040, 14149017-14149037, 14153071-14158017 |
17.1pb-1 |
No esmd |
reject |
- jlzhang's blog
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