PXL residuals part 2
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0.a Project Goal
DIGMAPS simulator works for MIP. Decide if it is usable for other particles. If not, reprogram particle deposition energy from MIP to all particles.
0.b How to do that
Use low luminosity Au+Au raw data
Reconstruct tracks
Look at cluster site at HFT, most of them will be fake hits with 1-2 cluster size. Apply cuts to suppress fake hits (like on detector residuums), the mean value of clusters size should be around 3-4
Compare with DIGMAPS output.
1. Work done
Upgraded to SL15j version with gcc482: clear reinstall of StRoot + need to add lines into StBFChain/BigFullChain.h for HftMatTree recognition.
{"HftMatTree", "", "", "pxlUtil", "HftMatchedTree",
"libEve StHftPoolEventT StHftPoolHftMatchedTree", "Create HftMatchedTree", kFALSE},
2. Data used
Au+Au 200 GeV, 15166015. FileId 2000050, 550 events
3. Software
SL15j, gcc482, StHftPool (Dmitri Smirnov): https://github.com/plexoos/star-soft
BFC options taken and modified from http://www.star.bnl.gov/devcgi/dbProdOptionRetrv.pl
BFC chain: "P2014a,btof,BEMCChkStat,CorrX,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D,-hitfilt,-StiPxl,-PxlIT,pxlRaw,pxlUtil,pxlCluster,pxlHit, istRaw,istUtil,istCluster,istHit, StiLibsHft, -SvtIT, pxlDb, IstIT, istDb, SstIT, sstDb, HftMatTree"
used *.hftree.root only
4.Applied cuts
At least 1 cluster in IST 1 mm track window
At least one cluster in both PXL layers
5. Analysis problem
No sharp peak in xLP-xL and zLP-zL distribution (see Fig. 1)
No correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL (see Fig. 2)
IST maybe not includes in tracking
Some tracks have matched more than 100 cluster (something went wrong)
Fig. 1: xLP-xL and zLP-zL for PXL with first BFC chain used.
Fig. 2: Correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL for PXL with first BFC chain used.
Fig. 3: xLP-xL and zLP-zL without cuts for IST with first BFC chain used.
Fig. 4: Correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL without cuts for IST with first BFC chain used.
6. Finding problem
Run same reconstruction on other data: Au+Au 200 GeV, 15163036. FileId 2500002 -> still wrong -> not data fault.
Jonathan Bouchet did same reconstruction but for SST: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/bouchet/sst-alignment-y2014
Used his BFC chain without mtd, sstHit, sstTuple and added option -StiPxl (do not include PXL in tracking):
Now xLP-xL and zLP-zL distribution looks great, there is correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL but regardless on StiPxl parameter PXL were included in tracking (millions entries have xLP-xL and zLP-zL around 0) (see Fig. 5-8)
Fig. 5: xLP-xL and zLP-zL for PXL with modified Jonathan's BFC chain.
Fig. 6: Correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL for PXL with modified Jonathan's BFC chain.
Fig. 7: xLP-xL and zLP-zL without cuts for IST with modified Jonathan's BFC chain.
Fig. 8: Correlation between xLP:xL and zLP:zL without cuts for IST with modified Jonathan's BFC chain.
7. TO DO list
Try to finally find out correct BFC chain options
IST included or not included in tracking?
Figure out huge numbers of clusters in single track.
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