Ring weights for estimating global quantities with linear sums


My goal is to use EPD data to estimate a global quantity.  This could be an event plane, as I've done often in the past.  Here, I will focus on centrality.

I use UrQMD calculations for Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV.  In a model, we might like to cut on the impact parameter, b.  In data analysis, we might like to cut on the midrapidity multiplicity.  My goal is to fashion a simple quantity from EPD ring data, that correlates tightly with one of these quantities.  In their paper Chatterjee et al (arxiv.org/abs/1910.08004) show that simply using the number of tracks within the EPD eta range, gives a rather poor correlation to centrality, so would not be useful for their physics analysis.

However, they simply add all the rings together.  As we know, at BES energies, as the collision becomes more central, some rings (e.g. inner) get LESS flux and others (e.g. outer) get MORE.  So, there is information which these guys are throwing away.

One can try to exploit all possible information encoded in the data, to produce a better centrality estimator.  Neural nets, machine learning, etc.  I will do something much simpler-- simply a linear weighted sum of the contents of the 16 rings.  (I will add East and West EPDs together, so we are only talking about 16 numbers.)  What's cool is that there is no "learning" or "fitting" or anything-- the problem has a simple analytic solution that amounts to inverting a 16x16 real symmetric matrix.

Rosi has been looking at how various quantities, including individual rings and total multiplicity, correspond to impact parameter on her page: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/rjreed/centrality-epd-take-2

The observable:

In every event, the EPD produces 16 numbers: the "contents" of the 16 rings.  I will use the sum of the truncated-nMIP from all tiles in the ring.

Si is the signal associated with tile i, and Cr is the contribution of ring r, found by summing the truncated-nMIP from all tiles in that ring.  Both East and West are added.  These quantities are defined as follows:


Our observable X is simply a weighted sum of the ring contents:

Our goal is to find the ring weights, Wr, that maximize the correlation between X and our global quantity of interest (impact parameter, TPC refMult, whatever).

Finding the weights:

To find the best weights, we minimize the squared residual

Where Gj is the value of the global quantity of interest in event j.

But we don't need to do some Minuit-driven minimization, or any learning or anything.  At the minimum,

and it can be shown that they satisfy the 16 linear equations:

Since A is a symmetric, real 16x16 matrix, it is extremely easy and fast to invert, finding the unique best weights Wr.


In the present analysis, I used MAX=2.0 and thresh=0.0.  (In data, there is electronic noise, so normally people use thresh=0.2 or 0.3.  But there is little true signal below 0.2, so it's fine to use 0.0 here.)

If we use the TPC charged particle multiplicity (|eta|<1) as the global quantity of interest, then
     ring      weight
    1    -0.308569
    2    -1.59856
    3    -1.11792
    4    -0.485728
    5    0.078737
    6    0.604919
    7    1.06758
    8    1.36972
    9    1.70278
    10    1.99164
    11    2.09085
    12    2.31006
    13    2.39085
    14    2.5433
    15    2.62684
    16    2.77495


We may very well want to neglect the very peripheral collisions in our weighting.  This is legitimate, as they might be uninteresting for us, and they are numerous.  Here is what happens if we focus on events with refMult>400:
     ring      weight
    1    -2.21991
    2    -0.519672
    3    -0.268216
    4    0.26761
    5    0.61744
    6    0.981569
    7    1.21238
    8    1.43501
    9    1.69529
    10    1.85845
    11    1.99035
    12    2.03898
    13    2.15267
    14    2.36434
    15    2.26262
    16    2.41752


If we use the impact parameter as the global quantity of interest:
     ring      weight
    1    0.321766
    2    -0.0367021
    3    -0.0294183
    4    -0.0233452
    5    -0.0155745
    6    -0.0104552
    7    -0.00570113
    8    -0.00269207
    9    -0.00176239
    10    0.00255536
    11    -0.00136428
    12    0.0021822
    13    0.00384546
    14    0.00157523
    15    0.00514248
    16    0.00521579


As above, we may want to neglect the most peripheral collisions, as they might be uninteresting for us, and skew our weights.  Here is for b<10 fm.
     ring      weight
    1    0.24169
    2    0.0329237
    3    0.0235763
    4    0.0151417
    5    0.0096042
    6    0.00305559
    7    -0.00285034
    8    -0.0026057
    9    -0.0077434
    10    -0.00913805
    11    -0.0107693
    12    -0.0115195
    13    -0.0100566
    14    -0.0121149
    15    -0.012695
    16    -0.0134135

While fancier techniques (nonlinear maps, learning, fitting) may yield slightly better results, this is already quite good and easy.  Note that the weights have meaningful sign: as we said, inner and outer rings act oppositely, when the centrality is changed. 

The macro for getting the weights is attached to the bottom of the page.  Note it assumes that you have made an ntuple with 18 rows.  16 for the ring values (Cr above), then one for RefMult and one for impact parameter.