

  Correlation & fluctuation                                  
1 Arghya Chatterjee off-diagonal cumulants submit, merge tetsuro 2 Merged 2 LINK TBD by STC Off-diagonal cumulants of net-charge, net-proton and net-kaon distributions at STAR for RHIC BES energies      
2 Tetsuro Sugiura net-q C6 submit, merge arghya 1 Merged 1 See 1 See 1 Measurement of up to six-order cumulant of net-charge multiplicity distriubution in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV from STAR    
3 Toshihiro Nonaka net-p vol fluct, nonbinom eff submit, merge nalinda 4 Merged 4 LINK TBD by STC Effect of volume fluctuation and non-bionomial efficiency on higher-order cumulants of net-proton multiplicity distributions at the STAR experiment
4 Nalinda Kulathunga net-Lambda submit, merge toshihiro 3 Merged 3 See 3 See 3 Fluctuations of net-Lambda distributions in Au+Au collisions measured as a function of collision energy with the STAR detector    
5 Zhenzhen Yang net-p Cu+Cu poster    LINK   Cumulants of net-proton multiplicity distributions in Cu+Cu collisions at 22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV        
6 Roli Esha local parton density fluct poster    LINK   Search for local parton density fluctuations through baryon clustering            
7 Niseem Magdy, Roy Lacey charge sep (Ajit method) submit, merge prithwish 8 Merged 8 LINK TBD by STC Beam energy and collision system dependence of charge seperation relative to the Psi2 and Psi3 event plane: Implication for CME    
8 Prithwish Tribedy mixed harmonic correlations submit, merge niseem 7 Merged 7 See 7 See 7 Charge dependent mixed harmonic correlations and their implications for the search of the CME from STAR      
9 Jie Zhao, Fuqiang Wang charge correlators submit, merge jie 10 Merged 10 LINK Jie Comparative measurements of charge correlators with respect to spectator and participant planes to extract the background-free CME at STAR  
10 Jie Zhao, Fuqiang Wang invariant mass method submit, merge jie 9 Merged 9 see 9 See 9 Isolating backgrounds from the CME by invariant mass method at STAR            
11 Qiye Zhou CMW submit   LINK   CMW in STAR                    
12 Madan charge sep (sliding dumbbell) withdrawn Withdrawn N/A   EbyE charge separation in AuAu collisions at 200 GeV              
13 Maowu Nie longitudinal flow decorr submit   LINK   Measurement of longitudinal flow de-correlation in 54.4 and 200 GeV AuAu collisions.          
14 Shengli Huang small system vn submit   LINK   Long-range collectivity in small collision systems with two- and four-particle correlations at STAR        
15 Niseem Magdy, Roy Lacey anistropic flow pA to AA submit, merge terrence 16   LINK Roy Comparison of anisotropic flow measurements from small to large systems            
16 Terrence Edmonds NCQ f0(980) poster, OR merge niseem 15   LINK   NCQ scaling of f0(980) elliptic flow in 200 GeV AuAu collisions and its constituent quark content        
17 Gang Wang quark directed flow submit, merge sergei 18   LINK Gang Directed flow of quarks from the RHIC BES                
18 S. Voloshin, T. Niida directed flow CuAu and AuAu submit, merge gang 17   LINK Sergei Directed flow components derived from the initial source tilt and density asymmetry in Cu+Au and Au+Au collisions      
19 S. Voloshin, T. Niida polarization 200 GeV submit, merge biao 20 Merged 20 LINK Takafumi Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV            
20 Biao Tu polarization phi dependence submit, merge takafumi 19 Merged 19 See 19 See 19 The azimuhal angle dependence of Lambda polarization in AuAU collisions at RHIC          
21 Chensheng Zhou phi spin alignment submit   LINK   phi spin alignment in high energy nuclear collisions at STAR              
22 Sebastian Siejka proton femtoscopy submit, merge pawel 23 Merged 23 LINK Sebastian Proton femtoscopy at BES energies                  
23 Pawel Szymanski nonident particle femotoscopy submit, merge sebastian 22 Merged 22 See 22 See 22 Non-identical particle femtoscopy in STAR                
24 Yang Wu, Usman Ashraf many FXT topics submit Merge LFS LINK TBD by STC Au+Au collisions at 4.5 GeV using the STAR detector in FXT mode              
25 Isaac Upsal EPD yields, flow 54 GeV poster Poster LINK  
Charged particle yields and anisotropic flow at forward rapidities from Au+Au collisions at 54GeV using the STAR Event Plane Detector
26 Tetsuro Sugiura net-q C6 poster Poster LINK   Measurement of up to six-order cumulant of net-charge multiplicity distriubution in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV from STAR    
27 Toshihiro Nonaka net-p vol fluct, nonbinom eff poster Poster LINK   Effect of volume fluctuation and non-bionomial efficiency on higher-order cumulants of net-proton multiplicity distributions at the STAR experiment
28 Nalinda Kulathunga net-Lambda poster Poster LINK   Energy dependence of fluctuations of net-Lambda distributions at STAR            
29 Andrzej Lipiec angular correlations poster Poster LINK   Augular correlations study of identified hadrons in BES program              
30 Shengli Huang Higher order gamma function poster Poster LINK   Higher order gamma function for CME                  
31 Maria Sergeeva small system v2 poster Poster LINK   STAR measurements of v2 in small collision systems                
32 Biao Tu polarization phi dependence poster Poster LINK   The azimuthal dependence of L(antiL) polarization in Au+Au collisions from STAR          
33 Benjamin Schweid shape engineered femtoscopy poster Poster LINK   Femtoscopic measurements for shape-engineered events in AuAu collisions for the BES at STAR        
  QM15 and 17 abstract info https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/geurts/qm-2017-abstracts                              
  QM18 first list Zhenyu https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/yezhenyu/quark-matter-2018-star-abstracts