reconstucted pt in simulation with ideal TPC alignment

Primary pt - blue

Global pt- red

tree_pip->Draw("mMatchedPairs.mPtGl>>hpip_gl(500,0,10)","mMatchedPairs.mGeantId==8 && mMatchedPairs.mPtGl>0 && mMatchedPairs.mIsPrimary == 1 &&  mMatchedPairs.mNCommonHit > 15");

tree_pip->Draw("mMatchedPairs.mPtPr>>hpip_pr(500,0,10)","mMatchedPairs.mGeantId==8 && mMatchedPairs.mPtPr>0 && mMatchedPairs.mIsPrimary == 1 &&  mMatchedPairs.mNCommonHit > 15");


It is possible to plot same distributions from StiPulls (mTrksG.mPt && mTrksP.mPt) -, but there will be no way to select simulated tracks.

One can switch off all physical processes in GEANT for the clean test...

Same in log scale