Beginning of the run 2024: temperature and 7 pttern tests

1. We installed West and then East EPD
2. Attached the fibre cables
3. Tight lighting test done
4. We observe higher then expected temperature of the fee cards. Below more discussion about that.

During the lighting test the temperature of the "tiles" (it is T of fee card in reality, but shows on the GUI as a temp of the channel) about 24-27 C. What is higher than before. We checked the dark current and the results does not show differences with what we had last year.  During the night we had a power dip in STAR, we run the 1 wire scan and (not sure if related with previously mentioned things) in the morning we had temperature about ~18C. What causes the changes? We measured temperature in time just after we turn off the EPD and then on - the variations are negligible. 

5. First 7 pattern test on April 3rd. We moved the threshold for the green color up for 50 adc. Results . 
6. On April 4th we plugged in the hanging cards into EQ4 what solved the problem of the blue cluster in West on the right. 
7. After some problems with triggers we could run on April 4th the 7 Pattern test again. Results.

Bad guys:

East:  PP1TT21, PP1TT22, PP3TT30,  PP3TT31,  PP4TT21,  PP4TT22,  PP8TT14,  PP9TT15,  PP9TT30,  PP10TT10,  PP10TT11
West: PP6TT1,   PP9TT30