EPD Run 24

Executive Summary
Epd reader has been updated for run 24.  After installation, the dark currents look nearly identical to last year's values with the same bias settings.  We noticed that West PP11 had a broken fiber bundle at the scintillator end, we used additional tape.  It is likely just the plastic and the fibers are ok.

Epd Reader
It's that time of year again....  I started looking at: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/rjreed/epd-install-calibration-and-commissioning-run-21 which was the last time I really compiled the instructions.  The Lehigh team will go to BNL on March 11, mainly to do the mapping check for the EPD's sister on sPHENIX, but we thought it would be good to check on the STAR EPD electronics. Namely, the QTBs were replaced by QTDs. 

In addition to the QTB <-> QTD swap, Chris also swapped some of the QT8 boards as listed:
1. EQ1 - 0x12 - 2nd QT8 - (B-board) - Bad peds in 4 channels
2. EQ2 - 0x18 - 2nd QT8 - (C-board) - QT8 wouldn’t lock to clk
3. EQ2 - 0x1e - 1st QT8 - (B-board) - Bad ped in channel 7
4. EQ4 - 0x1e - 2nd QT8 - (B-board) - Bad peds in all 8 channels

I then checked whether I could log into stargw:
ssh -A -Y rjreed@ssh.sdcc.bnl.gov
ssh -A -Y stargw.starp.bnl.gov
The answer is yes.

I copied the EpdReader2023 to EpdReader2024, and updated the script.  The code didn't work right out of the box, so I recompiled in stardev.  That allowed the histogram maker to run (of course, current files have nothing in them so nothing further can be done).
But now I can run the script:
 ./runEpdTrgHist2024.sh 65 3 1
(i.e. this is day 65, run 3, for 1 file -> 25065003.  In production mode, each file contains 10k events.)

Light tighting dark current

The file is created by clicking on the "save as" button on the EPD GUI.

End of last run (23): drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/EPD2023_7_7_16_43.txt

Beginning of next run: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/EPD2024_3_3_10_24.txt

The file used to set the bias voltages is: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/EPD_TUFFmap_forLightChecking.txt

The macro to compare two of these files can be found at: drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/CompareDark_0.txt

Figure 1: East side dark current end-of-run-23 (black) to beginning-of-run-24 (red).

Figure 2: West side dark current end-of-run-23 (black) to beginning-of-run-24 (red).

Figure 3: Plots from Maria on trying to solve this CAMAC off/vped issue.  All from EQ1, left most is Board 0 (QTC daughters), middle and right are board 2 and 4 with QTB daughters.