Comparison of TPC super-sectors alignments

This blog entry is to collect all comparison plots of the different super-sectors alignments. 

Update II (2015/01/28):

Updated hybrid alignment: Alex's procedure on top of Yuri's latest alignment. 
Hybrid Alignment I is HFT to constrain the gamma rotataions + Yuri's August alignment (Timestamp: 20140101.001112 ) to constrain alpha and beta.
Hybrid Alignment II is HFT to constrain the gamma rotataions + Yuri's latest alignment (Timestamp: 20140101.001454) to constrain alpha and beta.

Xin's cosmics tracklets DCA
 using the Hybrid II set is available at the link below. The DCA constant term is down to 300-400μm now.

Comparsion of Hybrid Alignment II to Yuri's latest alignment (Timestamp: 20140101.001454):

Comparison of residuals along Z from different run periods (using alignment TimeStamp 20140101.001112 and old HFT-TPC alignment):

1- Several sectors have sizable improvements, e.g. sector 7 along X.
2- Some of the sectors residuals shifted within PXL/IST systematic due to finite resolution, e.g. sector 11 along X.
3- Some sectors are worse in Hybrid II in one transverse direction and bettet in the other, e.g. sector 3 is better in Hybrid II along X and worse along Y.
4- The constant term of the tracklets DCA is down to 300-400μm.
5- Residuals along Z vary vs. run period. It is likely that this is due to DV mis-calibration. 

The new TpcSuperSectorPositionB table can be found at the link below:


Update I (2015/01/28):

1. Low Luminosity AuAu:
Alex's alignment AuAu (Red) to Cosmics (Blue):
Yuri's latest AuAu (Red) to Cosmics (Blue):

2. Updated hybrid alignment: Alex's procedure on top of Yuri's latest. New parameters from Alex are ready, he reports "I checked the chi2 only for a few sectors. Looks like that there is some little improvement for a few but other look worse. Mustafa, please check with your QA plots which sectors have finally improved. The chi2 is not always the best variable to check the quality". We are working on incorporating them with all the other tranformations. 

So far we have three sets of parameters:

I. August alignment from Yuri. Timestamp: 20140101.001112 
II. Alignment using HFT, from here on called Alex alignment in this document. 
III. Improved alignment from Yuri. Timestamp: 20140101.001454. From here on called Yuri's latest alignment in this document. 

I produced cosmics (RFF) productions sets with different alignment sets for comparison. 

Plots below are to compare the residuals of TPC
 tracks projections on the HFT layers. 
Left column are residuals on PXL, right column are residuals on IST. 
Xin Dong has also provided the DCA between two cosmics tracklets in different productions.

2. Yuri's latest alignment:
Plots, this alignment (Blue) to alignment from August (Red):
  1. Alex's alignment gives residuals within ~200μm while Yuri's latest alignment gives ~400μm residuals. 
  2. DCA between tracklets is ~0.5mm in Alex's alignment. ~0.8-1.2mm using Yuri's latest.
  3. Alex's alignment is achieved by rotatating the SuperSectors around z (γ rotation) while α and β are fixed to those from Yuri's August alignment. Yuri achieves his alignment by applying only α and β rotations. Both alignments apply translations on sectors. Alignemnet parameters:
Note: Alex does the alignment in global coordinates, I transform those to local supersector coordinates. So the α and β roations could be slightly different than original ones from Yuri due to the non-orthognality of different coordinates systems. 

The residuals along Z
 are different between alignments. There is a correlation between super sectors rotations and Z shifts. There is also a possible bias due to T0 mis-calibaration. 

A question was raised in the TPC meeting (01/07/2015) on whether the residuals on HFT are mainly due to HFT-TPC misalignment or TPC SuperSectors misalignment.
To check this I looked at the residuals with only new HFT-TPC alignment with old alignment from Yuri for the supersectors.  

Plots, this alignment (Blue) to alignment from August (Red):
We conclude from these plots that the residuals are mainly due to TPC Super Sectors misalignment. 

More resources:
All my presentations from TPC meeting are at